Zebra Plant: How To Grow And Care


The zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) is a tropical plant that is easy to grow indoors. Native to South Africa, the Zebra Plant is a succulent with beautiful white and green markings that resembles a zebra. A popular choice for office environments, they are also a common wedding gift!

Zebra plants typically have long, trailing vines that can be trained to grow in different directions. They will flower once a year, producing small, tubular flowers in white, pink or red.

This beautiful succulent with striped leaves is known as the Zebra Plant, Zebra Cactus, or Zebra Haworthia.There are many things to consider when taking care of a zebra plant, including watering, light, temperature, and fertilizing.

How to Grow Zebra Plant?

Zebra plants are a succulent, meaning they thrive in drier conditions. In order to grow a healthy zebra plant, you’ll need to make sure it gets plenty of sunlight and isn’t overwatered. When looking for a pot for your zebra plant, choose one with a drainage hole to avoid waterlogging. Fertilize your zebra plant once a month with a succulent fertilizer, and only water it when the soil is completely dry.

Ideal Cultivation Conditions for Zebra Plants

Zebra plants grow best in bright, indirect sunlight. They can tolerate some direct sunlight, but be sure to adjust the watering accordingly. Too much sunlight will cause the leaves to wilt. Keep the soil moist, but not wet, at all times. Zebra plants are not very tolerant of moisture fluctuations, so it is important to avoid letting the soil dry out or become waterlogged. Fertilize once a month with a balanced fertilizer to keep the plants healthy. If the leaves start to turn yellow, it means that the plant is not getting enough nitrogen. In that case, fertilize every other week until the leaves return to their usual green color.

Light Requirements for Successful Zebra Plant Growth

Zebra Plants thrive in bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some direct sun, but prefer to be in a spot where they’re not in the full sun all day. If you’re not sure if your plant is getting the right light, check the leaves. If they’re starting to turn a yellowish color, that’s a sign that your Zebra Plant is not getting enough light. If this is the case, move it to a spot where it will receive more indirect light.

Zebra Plant Soil

When it comes to the soil you’ll use to pot your zebra plant, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind. First and foremost, the soil should be well drained. Zebra plants don’t like to be kept wet for extended periods of time, so using a sandy or rocky soil mix is ideal. Secondly, the soil should be fertilized regularly. Zebra plants are heavy feeders and will benefit from a good feeding every 4-6 weeks. Lastly, make sure to find a pot that’s big enough. Zebra plants like to have plenty of room to grow, so don’t be afraid to go big!

How do I feed my zebra plant?

The best way to feed your zebra plant is to use a liquid fertilizer. Dilute the fertilizer according to the instructions on the package, then pour it into a watering can. Water your plant with the fertilizer solution, making sure to saturate the soil. You can also apply the fertilizer directly to the soil by using a stick or your fingers. Feed your zebra plant once a month during the spring and summer, and once every two months during the fall and winter. Just be careful not to overdo it, as too much fertilizer can be harmful to your plant.

For the most part, a liquid or water-soluble fertilizer will work best. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package, and then dilute the formula according to the instructions on the fertilizer bottle. Apply the fertilizer directly to the soil, making sure to get close to the base of the plant, and then water it in well.

How to propagate Zebra Plants

Propagating Zebra plants is a great way to increase your stock. While they can be grown from seed, it is much easier to propagate zebra plants by division or leaf cuttings. To propagate them by cuttings, take a stem from the plant and remove all but the top two leaves. Dip the stem in water and then place it in a soil-less potting mix. Keep the soil moist and wait for new growth to form. To propagate them by division, divide the root ball into several pieces and replant them in soil. To propagate them by seed, sow the seeds in a potting mix and keep the soil moist.

Best locations for zebra plants

Zebra plants love indirect sunlight, so a spot near a window is perfect. During the winter, it’s a good idea to move your plant closer to the window to ensure it gets enough light. If you don’t have a spot near a window, you can also try using a grow light. Zebra plants don’t like drafts, so make sure to keep them away from any cold air vents. Another thing to consider is humidity. Zebra plants like high humidity, so if your home is dry, you might want to consider using a humidifier.

East or west-facing windows are great locations, but make sure to move the plants to a shady spot during the hottest part of the day. Zebra plants should also be kept away from drafts, heaters, and air conditioning units.

Zebra Plant Pests and Diseases

There are a few pests and diseases that you should be on the lookout for when it comes to your zebra plant. Spider mites, whiteflies, and mealybugs can all be a problem, as can fungal diseases like root rot and powdery mildew. If you notice any of these pests or diseases, take action right away. spider mites can be controlled with horticultural oil, whiteflies with insecticidal soap, mealybugs with a systemic insecticide, and fungal diseases with a fungicide. Be sure to read the labels carefully and follow the instructions to the letter to ensure that you’re using the right product and dosage.


There are several plants that belong to the Crassula family and they all make excellent houseplants. Zebra plant is one of those plants with distinctive leaves as well as white and pinkish flowers at certain times of the year. It’s a popular ornamental plant because it has different varieties with different leaf shapes.

The Zebra Plant is a beautiful specimen that will provide your indoor space with some brilliant texture. Whether you’re looking for an exotic addition to liven up your office or home, the zebra plant might be just what you need. We understand how wonderful it can feel to surround yourself with gorgeous greenery, which is why we’ve taken great care in developing our collection of plants and planters that are perfect for people who lack time or skill when it comes to caring for plants. When properly cared for, the Zebra Plant can grow up to 3 feet tall!

Start by understanding them before committing to an effort; they like bright, filtered light and warmer temperatures than most houseplants. They’re sensitive to change, so make sure your indoor humidity levels don’t drop at night (if they do, water sparingly until the soil has a chance to fully dry out). For the best results with Zebra plants indoors or outdoors in temperate climates, look for ways to provide more moisture during active growth periods while keeping up good air circulation through the plant’s crowns.