Difference between 2 pole and 4 pole motor

What is a 2 pole motor? A 2-pole motor is an electric motor design where the rotor has two magnetic poles – one north and one south. 2-pole motors generally run at high speeds because the synchronous speed (the speed at which the magnetic field rotates) is determined by the frequency of the AC power … Read more

Types of White Spiders — Identification Guide

Spiders are arachnids, a class of arthropods that also includes scorpions, mites, and ticks. There are more than 45,000 known species of spiders, found in habitats all over the world. There’s a spider with a cartoonish butt, spiders that can jump on demand and cannibal spiders that look like pelicans. Spiders vary greatly in terms of color from … Read more

10 Difference Between Hay And Straw

Introduction Many different plants have been used throughout history to feed animals. Hay and straw are currently the most popular animal feeds during winter or dry seasons, thus Straw and hay are a huge part of everyday life for many farmers, but because the two overwhelmingly look identical, it’s highly likely that folks who aren’t … Read more

10 Difference Between Hay And Silage

Both silage and hay are popular ways for farmers to feed their livestock when they’re unable to graze during the winter. Hay is made up of dried grass, while silage is fermented grass. Though both are high in nutrients, there are some key differences between the two. In this post, we’ll break down the difference … Read more

10 Difference Between Cannabis Indica And Sativa

The terms indica and sativa are both widely used and hotly contested. Whether you’re new to weed or a long-time cannabis consumer, it’s highly likely you’ve heard about the supposed “body high” of an indica, the “cerebral rush” of a sativa, or the varied effects of a hybrid.  Cannabis is a species of flowering herb … Read more

15 Difference Between Lime and Lemon (Trees & Fruits)

What is a Lemon? Lemons are ancient, aromatic fruits that grow on evergreen trees reaching between 3 to 10 meters in height, belonging to the Rutaceae family. The name Lemon is a descriptor used to encompass many different varieties of flowering plants with fruits, and true Lemons, or Lemons that are primarily found in modern-day … Read more

10 Difference Between Thanksgiving And Christmas Cactus

Introduction Many people find cactus plants to be a great addition to their home, office, or outdoors spaces. Cactus plants come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. One of the most popular types of cactus plants is the Thanksgiving and Christmas cactus. Although they look very similar, there are a few differences between … Read more

12 Difference Between Perennial, Biennial And Annual Plants

What are perennial plants? Perennial, any plant that persists for several years, usually with new herbaceous growth from a part that survives from season to season. Trees and shrubs are perennial, as are some herbaceous flowers and vegetative ground covers. Perennials have only a limited flowering period, but, with maintenance throughout the growing season, they provide a leafy presence and shape … Read more

7 Difference Between Hectare And Acre Of Land

You may have seen different units of distance before such as miles, kilometers, and feet. Where do you think the foot got it’s name? If you guessed that it’s named after the body part, you’re correct! A foot measures distance, but when we want to estimate area we need to multiply two distances together. In … Read more