15 Gorgeous String Succulents That Hang or Trail

Introduction String succulents are known for their unique, string-like appearance. They’re also one of the more unique types of succulents out there because of their small, compact size. The leaves grow in close proximity to each other to form the strings. They are an easy-to-care-for succulent, making them a great plant to have around the … Read more

Giant Pumpkin: Facts, How To Grow And Care

What is a Giant Pumpkin? A Giant pumpkin is simply a pumpkin that is larger in size than the average pumpkin. Contrary to what the name suggests, there is no actual difference between a Giant pumpkin and any other pumpkin in terms of taste or nutritional value. However, Giant pumpkins do tend to have more … Read more

Sansevieria Cylindrica Guide: How To Grow And Care

Introduction If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for plant that doesn’t need lots of light or water, you might want to consider Sansevieria cylindrica. Also known as the African spear plant, this genus contains over 70 species, with Sansevieria cylindrica being the most popular. It’s easy to see why: it’s one of the easiest plants to … Read more

10 Difference Between Thanksgiving And Christmas Cactus

Introduction Many people find cactus plants to be a great addition to their home, office, or outdoors spaces. Cactus plants come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. One of the most popular types of cactus plants is the Thanksgiving and Christmas cactus. Although they look very similar, there are a few differences between … Read more

15 Difference Between Pumpkin And Squash

Introduction It’s that time of year again when the air is crisp and the nights are cold, and everything is pumpkin flavored. You can see pumpkins everywhere you go; whether it’s in the grocery store, Starbucks, or the local coffee shop. But there’s one question everyone is asking: what’s the difference between a pumpkin and … Read more

17 Types of Pumpkin Varieties For Eating

Introduction Pumpkins are a type of squash that are related to cucumbers, watermelons, and cantaloupes. They are a fruit and not a vegetable. The word pumpkin actually comes from the Greek word “pepon” which means “large melon”. Pumpkins are thought to have originated in Central America. The first pumpkins were grown in North America in … Read more

12 Difference Between Perennial, Biennial And Annual Plants

What are perennial plants? Perennial, any plant that persists for several years, usually with new herbaceous growth from a part that survives from season to season. Trees and shrubs are perennial, as are some herbaceous flowers and vegetative ground covers. Perennials have only a limited flowering period, but, with maintenance throughout the growing season, they provide a leafy presence and shape … Read more

7 Difference Between Hectare And Acre Of Land

You may have seen different units of distance before such as miles, kilometers, and feet. Where do you think the foot got it’s name? If you guessed that it’s named after the body part, you’re correct! A foot measures distance, but when we want to estimate area we need to multiply two distances together. In … Read more