Calathea roseopicta: How To Grow In Pots or Containers

What is Calathea roseopicta? Calathea roseopicta, the rose-painted calathea, is a species of plant in the family Marantaceae, native to northwest Brazil. It is a clump-forming evergreen perennial growing to 50 cm (20 in), very similar in appearance to Calathea makoyana. The large rounded leaves are dark green above, red below, marked heavily with cream or pink stripes “painted” along the veins and midriff, with feathered margins. How … Read more

Calathea zebrina: How to grow In pots or containers

Introduction Calathea is a genus of about 120 species of tropical plants in the family Marantaceae. The plants are evergreen, perennial herbs with erect stems, reaching anywhere from a few inches to 6 feet tall. The leaves are large, simple, and oval to lance-shaped, and are borne in opposite pairs on the stem. Calathea zebrina … Read more

Calathea Orbifolia: Care And Growing Guide For Beginners

Introduction Calathea orbifolia is a tropical plant that is indigenous to Brazil and Argentina. It is a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of conditions, making it a popular houseplant. Despite its popularity, this plant has been around for centuries. The ancient Incas used calathea orbifolia for a variety of purposes, from religious … Read more

Calathea Vittata Plant: Care And Growing Guide

Introduction The Calathea Vittata is a tropical plant known for its beautiful leaves and dramatic coloring. In the wild, this plant can grow up to one meter tall. In a home, this plant is more likely to stay between 10 and 30 centimeters tall. This plant is native to Brazil, so it does best in … Read more

Ponytail Palm: Care And Growing Guide For Beginners

Introduction The ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) is a desert plant native to Central America and Mexico. It is also known as elephant foot or ram’s horn. This plant gets its name from the long, thin leaves that grow out of the top of the trunk and look like a ponytail.The ponytail palm tree can grow … Read more

Philodendron Problems: Brown Spots, Diseases & Pests

Introduction You’ve just bought your first houseplant, and it looks healthy and ready to grow! It’s time to bask in the glory of your new potted friend. However, after a couple of weeks you notice that it has some yellowing leaves. What could be the cause? It’s more common than you think for houseplants to … Read more

Philodendron panduriforme: Ultimate Growing & Caring Guide

Introduction It’s no secret that houseplants are essential for making any space feel lived-in and cozy. But finding the right one for your home can be intimidating, especially if you have a specific style or color palette in mind. Luckily, philodendron panduriforme is a great addition to just about any room. Whether you’re looking for … Read more

Philodendron Martianum: Ultimate Growing Guide

Introduction Philodendron is a genus of about 400 plant species. Philodendron are known for their vibrant colors and interesting leaf shapes. It’s believed that philodendrons originate from Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands. The philodendron plant got its name from the Greek words philo and dendron, which mean “loving tree”.The Philodendron Martianum is … Read more