25 Wonderful Varieties of Amaryllis Flowers

The plants commonly called amaryllis are actually members of the Hippeastrum genus, which consists of more than 50 species of bulbous, flowering plants. The true Amaryllis genus contains only one common garden plant, Amaryllis belladonna, commonly known as naked lady or belladonna lily.  Native to Africa, the genus Amaryllis comes from the Greek word amarysso, which means … Read more

24 Beautiful Hanging Plants For Indoor Spaces

Spilling and trailing plants make better options for hanging baskets as they make the container look abundant. Apart from softening the whole look, they help blend the rest of the plants together. A hanging basket is a structure suspended from the ceiling or other high places using chains, ropes, and other materials.Baskets come in varying … Read more

10 Types of Celosia Flowers To Grow In Pots & Planters

Celosias (Celiosa spp.) commonly called cockscomb, feathered amaranth, woolflower and red fox, are warm-weather flowering plants that thrive in hot, humid Mediterranean areas. Mature size varies, with plants that reach heights of 3 to 4 feet and dwarf varieties that top out at only 6 inches.They are all easy to care for as long as their … Read more

21 Types of Cosmos Flowers: Blue, Red & Purple Varieties

Cosmos are freely flowering plants that are easy to grow by sprinkling some seeds in the garden after any danger of frost has passed. These quintessential cottage garden flowers reach full maturity in about two months. This plant tends to be slower to germinate, but it blooms quickly after that and continues to flower through … Read more

15 Different Types of Millet And Their Benefits

Generally, millets are small-grained, annual, warm-weather cereals belonging to the grass family. They are highly tolerant of drought and other extreme weather conditions and have a similar nutrient content to other major cereals. Millet is desirable for human food because it is easily digestible and gluten-free. It can be ground into flour, used to bake … Read more

21 Types Of Jade Plants (Crassula Ovata) With Pictures

Crassula is a large genus of succulents that are often seen at garden centers in many different shapes, ranging from small compact plants to large tree-like shrubs.This spectrum of features makes them excellent plants for use in container gardening, the rockery, as stand alone plants or in dish gardens of mixed succulents. Native to South Africa, jade … Read more

20 Types of Peace Lily ( Spathiphyllum Plant)

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is an immensely popular houseplant, beloved for its undemanding nature and willingness to grow even in low-light situations. The plant’s popular name derives from the delicate flowers that soar above the leaves like white flags. Even when not blooming, the peace lily’s gently arching foliage still evokes a sense of tranquility. … Read more

24 Major Alocasia Varieties For Indoor & Outdoor

The genus Alocasia is made up of around 80 Species and dozens of hybrids. They are generally herbaceous perennial plants that come from tropical regions in Asia, Africa and Australia; and are closely related to taro plants (Colocasia spp.).The plants can grow to an enormous size to provide shade and a lush, tropical feel to … Read more

14 Types of Ginger: Edible, Ornamental & Wild Varieties

Ginger plants are categorised into three groups: Wild, Ornamental and Edible types. Edible ginger varieties are grown for their spicy roots and leaves whereas Ornamental ginger plants are grown for their flowers and foliage for the ornamental/floristry market. Wild gingers on the other hand grow in the wild and are generally used as ground covers. … Read more