Spoon Chrysanthemums: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

The Spoon Chrysanthemum, also known as Chrysanthemum morifolium ‘Spoon’, is a type of chrysanthemum that has petals which flare out at the tips, resembling spoons. The flowers have a central disc that is relatively flat, surrounded by petals that curl slightly at the end towards the center of the plant. The edges of the petals … Read more

Quill Chrysanthemums: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Quill Chrysanthemums are generally large, full, and globular with petals that are tubular, needle-like, and narrow, resembling quills or needles. They often end in a pointed tip. The flowers themselves are composed of multiple layers of petals, with the outer petals being longer and more tubular, while the inner petals are shorter and more rounded. … Read more

Pompon chrysanthemum: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Pompon chrysanthemums also known as spray chrysanthemum are part of the Asteraceae family and are native to Asia and northeastern Europe. They have been cultivated in Japan since the 8th century, with many flower forms and colors developed over the years. These chrysanthemums are relatively small in size, with the plants grow to a height … Read more

Spider Chrysanthemums: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Chrysanthemums have a long history and are native to Asia, particularly China and Japan. They were first cultivated in China over 2000 years ago. They were introduced to Europe in the 17th century, where for years they have been popular among gardeners. Today, are grown all over the world. Spider mums are part of the … Read more

Anemone Chrysanthemums: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Chrysanthemums originated in China, where they have been cultivated for over 2,500 years. They held a special place in Chinese culture, symbolizing longevity and nobility. Chrysanthemums were brought to Europe in the 17th century by Dutch explorers. Since then, they’ve become a common garden flowers in many homesteads, appreciated for their bold colors, diverse forms … Read more

23 Types of Chrysanthemum (Mums) With Pictures

Chrysanthemums, sometimes called mums or chrysanths, are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae which includes daisies, sunflowers, and asters. They are native to East Asia and northeastern Europe. Most species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China. They are a beloved fall flower that bring color … Read more

Chrysanthemum (Mums): History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Chrysanthemums, often called mums or chrysanths, are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae. The genus Chrysanthemum contains about 30 species of plants native to Asia and northeastern Europe. Most species originate from East Asia and the center of diversity is in China. Countless horticultural varieties and cultivars exist. The name “chrysanthemum” is derived from the Greek words “chrysos,” meaning gold, and “anthemon,” … Read more

Muskogee Crape Myrtle: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

The Muskogee Crape Myrtle, also known as Lagerstroemia ‘Muskogee’, is a popular cultivar of the Crape Myrtle tree. It is a deciduous, upright-spreading large shrub or small tree with a vase-like crown. It was developed by the United States National Arboretum in Washington D.C and given the name of the native American Indian tribe ‘Muskogee’. … Read more