25 Types Of Potatoes (Characteristics and Origin)

The potato is a starchy root vegetable native to the Americas that is consumed as a staple food in many parts of the world. Potatoes are tubers of the plant Solanum tuberosum, a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae. Wild potato species can be found from the southern United States to southern Chile.  Potatoes originated … Read more

16 Types of Asparagus Plants ( Names & Pictures)

Asparagus, scientifically known as Asparagus officinalis, is a perennial flowering plant species in the genus Asparagus, and it’s widely cultivated as a vegetable. Asparagus originally comes from the eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor areas. It has been cultivated for over 2,000 years. Historically, asparagus was considered a delicacy, often served at royal feasts. Ancient Egyptians … Read more

Difference between 2 pole and 4 pole motor

What is a 2 pole motor? A 2-pole motor is an electric motor design where the rotor has two magnetic poles – one north and one south. 2-pole motors generally run at high speeds because the synchronous speed (the speed at which the magnetic field rotates) is determined by the frequency of the AC power … Read more

Teak (Tectona grandis): Characteristics, Wood, Uses & Cultivation

Teak (Tectona grandis) is one of the most renowned tropical hardwood trees native to Africa and Southern Asia, particularly in countries like India, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, and Indonesia. It is a large, deciduous tree that occurs in mixed hardwood forests. Myanmar’s teak forests account for nearly half of the world’s naturally occurring teak Teak wood … Read more

20 Types of Alder Trees (With Pictures)

Alders are trees that compose the genus Alnus in the birch family Betulaceae. The genus includes about 35 species of monoecious trees and shrubs, a few reaching a large size, distributed throughout the north temperate zone with a few species extending into Central America, as well as the northern and southern Andes. Alders can be … Read more

21 Trees With Thorns (Names & Pictures)

Thorns are modified stems or leaves that have hardened and become sharp. Thorns, spines, or prickles are nature’s way of providing trees with an armor against the constant threat of herbivores, environmental stressors, or even as a means to reduce water loss. There are many different species of trees that have thorns, and they can … Read more

Bougainvillea ‘Alexandra’: Characteristics & Cultivation

Bougainvillea ‘Alexandra’ is a cultivar within the bougainvillea family with intense purple to magenta bracts.This variety stands out not only for its vibrant hues but also for its versatility in landscaping and garden design. While the exact origins of ‘Alexandra’ might be less documented than its beauty, like many bougainvillea cultivars, it likely resulted from … Read more

Bougainvillea ‘Golden Gate’: Characteristics & Cultivation

The Bougainvillea ‘Golden Gate’ is a cultivar with vibrant, golden-yellow bracts. It’s a popular choice for gardens and landscapes due to its cheerful color and vigorous growth. The ‘Golden Gate’ variety is a fast-growing climber that can reach impressive heights. It is ideal for covering walls, fences, or arbors. Its spreading habit creates a dense … Read more

Bougainvillea peruviana: Characteristics & Cultivation

Bougainvillea peruviana is a species of the flowering plant genus Bougainvillea, which is part of the Nyctaginaceae family. It’s a woody vine with a sprawling or climbing habit, often used in gardens to cover walls, fences, or trellises. The leaves are green, ovate to elliptic in shape. What most people refer to as the “flowers” … Read more