24 Different Types of Hardwood Trees For Homes

To further group trees into distinctive categories, they are classified as either hardwood or softwood. Softwood trees are usually those that produce needles, such as pine trees. These trees are evergreen, keeping their foliage throughout the winter months. On the other hand, hardwood trees are typically deciduous, dropping their leaves during the fall and winter … Read more

24 Fast Growing Shade Trees For Your Home

A shade tree is a large tree whose primary role is to provide shade in the surrounding environment due to its spreading canopy and crown, where it may give shelter from sunlight in the heat of the summer for people who seek recreational needs in urban parks and house yards, and thus, also protecting them from the sun’s harmful UV rays and sunburns. Shade trees often … Read more

24 Types of Weeping Trees ( Small, Ornamental & Evergreen Varieties)

Weeping trees are trees characterized by soft, limp twigs. This characterization may lead to a bent crown and pendulous branches that can cascade to the ground. While weepyness occurs in nature, most weeping trees are cultivars. Because of their shape, weeping trees are popular in landscaping; generally they need a lot of space and are solitary so that their effect … Read more

21 Types of Christmas Trees And How To Identify Them

Selecting the perfect Christmas tree for your home can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for the entire family. Decorating and displaying a real Christmas tree is a tradition followed by generations of  families. The most common Christmas tree used is a cut tree. However, some prefer using a living Christmas tree sold with roots … Read more

Types of Vegetables: List of All Vegetables From A to Z

Categories of vegetables Leafy green – lettuce, spinach and silverbeet etc Cruciferous – cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli etc Marrow – pumpkin, cucumber and zucchini etc Root – potato, sweet potato and yam etc Edible plant stem – celery and asparagus etc Allium – onion, garlic and shallot etc Beets- Turnips, Celeriac, Radish etc … Read more

24 Beautiful Hanging Plants For Indoor Spaces

Spilling and trailing plants make better options for hanging baskets as they make the container look abundant. Apart from softening the whole look, they help blend the rest of the plants together. A hanging basket is a structure suspended from the ceiling or other high places using chains, ropes, and other materials.Baskets come in varying … Read more

Calathea roseopicta: How To Grow In Pots or Containers

What is Calathea roseopicta? Calathea roseopicta, the rose-painted calathea, is a species of plant in the family Marantaceae, native to northwest Brazil. It is a clump-forming evergreen perennial growing to 50 cm (20 in), very similar in appearance to Calathea makoyana. The large rounded leaves are dark green above, red below, marked heavily with cream or pink stripes “painted” along the veins and midriff, with feathered margins. How … Read more

Calathea zebrina: How to grow In pots or containers

Introduction Calathea is a genus of about 120 species of tropical plants in the family Marantaceae. The plants are evergreen, perennial herbs with erect stems, reaching anywhere from a few inches to 6 feet tall. The leaves are large, simple, and oval to lance-shaped, and are borne in opposite pairs on the stem. Calathea zebrina … Read more

Calathea Orbifolia: Care And Growing Guide For Beginners

Introduction Calathea orbifolia is a tropical plant that is indigenous to Brazil and Argentina. It is a hardy plant that can tolerate a wide range of conditions, making it a popular houseplant. Despite its popularity, this plant has been around for centuries. The ancient Incas used calathea orbifolia for a variety of purposes, from religious … Read more