18 Trees With Gorgeous Red Flowers

Trees provide vertical landscaping elements while casting filtered shade on plants that do not enjoy full sun conditions. There are many flowering trees that bloom with gorgeous, eye-catching red flowers. These trees are mainly used as specimen or accent plants, to line a walkway or driveway, to create shade in a patio or poolside and, in … Read more

14 Amaranthus Plant Varieties And How To Grow Them

Amaranth plants typically are annuals or short-lived perennials. The stems often are reddish in colour and sometimes are armed with spines; they bear simple alternately arranged leaves and often feature a pinkish taproot. The plants can be monoecious (flowers of both sexes are on the same individual) or dioecious (each individual produces flowers of a single sex). The small flowers typically feature colourful … Read more

25 Different Types of Monkeys from Around the World

Monkeys live on all continents except Australia and Antarctica. They often make their homes in trees in warm and wet tropical rainforests, including the Amazon rainforest in South America and the Congo Basin in Central Africa. Some species have adapted to living in harsh environments, such as desert-like savannas or snowy mountains. There are a variety of monkeys, … Read more

28 Senecio Plant Varieties And How To Care For Them

Senecio is a genus of flowering plants in the daisy family that includes ragworts and groundsels. Variously circumscribed taxonomically, the genus Senecio is one of the largest genera of flowering plants. The genus Senecio includes more than 1,500 species, spread all over the world. Among these, only a few have the characteristics of succulents. Senecios can have … Read more

30 Types of Agave Plants And How To Grow Them

Agave plants with their iconic leaves and striking appearance, bring a dramatic presence and add a bold, geometrical nuance to landscape architecture. Agaves are well suited for the extremely arid conditions of the desert, with tough, spiny exteriors that protect their highly sought-after moisture from natural predators. Although agaves share intrinsic traits common to all … Read more

10 Types of Fescue Grass With Growing Tips

Fescue is a cool-season grass that stays green year-round. Fescues are evergreen or herbaceous perennial tufted grasses with a height range of 10–200 cm and a cosmopolitan distribution, occurring on every continent except Antarctica. Creeping red fescue Chewings fescue Hard fescue Sheep fescue Slender creeping red fescue Tall fescue Fescue Lawn Care Mow regularly once … Read more

12 Different Kinds of Grass Used on Golf Courses

Golf course grasses, commonly referred to as turfgrass, have a large impact on a player’s golfing experience. A number of grass types are used on golf courses, each with its own pros and cons. These types of grasses differ from region to region by their ability to withstand both cold and heat. Many grasses used … Read more

32 Types of Kalanchoe Plants For Indoor And Outdoor Spaces

Kalanchoe plants are a genus in the Crassulaceae family. There are around 125 different species within this genus, most of which are shrubs or herbaceous perennials. They are tropical succulent flowering plants that are mostly native to Madagascar and large regions of tropical Africa. A number of different plants within the Kalanchoe genus are commonly … Read more

32 Types of Cactus For Indoor And Outdoor Growing

Cacti are succulent perennial plants. Cacti generally have thick herbaceous or woody chlorophyll-containing stems. Cacti can be distinguished from other succulent plants by the presence of areoles, small cushionlike structures with trichomes (plant hairs) and, in almost all species, spines or barbed bristles (glochids). Areoles are modified branches, from which flowers, more branches, and leaves (when present) may grow. In most … Read more

24 Types of Haworthia Plants And How To Grow Them

Haworthia is a genus containing around 57 species from the Asphodelaceae family. These succulent plants are small, forming rosettes of chunky leaves. They don’t tend to have much of a stem and they form clumps. Plants in this genus are very similar, but their leaves can show wide variation, even within a single species. They … Read more