Calathea is a genus of about 120 species of tropical plants in the family Marantaceae. The plants are evergreen, perennial herbs with erect stems, reaching anywhere from a few inches to 6 feet tall. The leaves are large, simple, and oval to lance-shaped, and are borne in opposite pairs on the stem.
Calathea zebrina is a species of Calathea with striking, dark green leaves with conspicuous white stripes. The leaves are typically 20-30 inches long and 8-12 inches wide.It’s native to Brazil and other parts of South America, so it prefers to live in a warm, tropical climate. This means that it’s not a good fit for most homes in the United States. If you’re interested in adding a Calathea zebrina to your home, you’ll need to provide high humidity and warm temperatures. If you can’t provide these things, you might be better off choosing a different houseplant.
Do you want to add a unique touch to your home with Calathea zebrina plant? This plant is easy to grow and has low maintenance. We will tell you everything you need to know about Calathea zebrina, including its leaves, habitat, care, etc.

How to grow and care for Calathea zebrina
How is Calathea zebrina different from other Calatheas?
One of the most distinguishing features of Calathea zebrina is its leaves. While most other Calatheas have plain green leaves, Calathea zebrina’s leaves are covered in white stripes. This unique pattern gives the plant a vibrant look that is sure to catch the eye. What’s more, the leaves of Calathea zebrina are also slightly longer and narrower than those of other Calatheas, making it easily distinguishable from other plants in the genus.
Best place to display Calathea zebrina
If you’re thinking of purchasing a Calathea zebrina, you may be wondering where the best place to put it would be. The answer to this question really depends on your personal home. Some people might prefer to keep it in a bright, sunny spot in their living room or dining room. Others may want to put it in a more secluded place, like a bathroom or bedroom. No matter where you choose to put it, make sure to keep in mind the plant’s needs. Calathea zebrina prefers moist, tropical conditions and should be kept away from direct sunlight.
What is the ideal growing soil for calathea zebrina?
To keep your calathea zebrina looking its best, it is important to use the right soil and care for it in the correct way. Many people make the mistake of using soil that is too heavy or too acidic for their plant, which can quickly lead to problems.The best soil for calathea zebrina is a rich, organic soil that is well-draining. This means that the soil should be able to absorb and release water quickly, so that the plant’s roots don’t sit in water for extended periods of time.
A soil that is too rich or dense can lead to root rot, which will ultimately kill your calathea. You can either mix your own soil or purchase a pre-made mix from your local garden center. We recommend using a soil that is specifically made for indoor plants, as it will contain all of the essential nutrients your calathea needs to thrive.
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Ideal Temperature for Calathea Zebrina
The calathea zebrina is a tropical plant that does well in warm, moist environments. When temperatures get too low, the leaves will start to droop and the plant will stop growing. if it’s too cold, the leaves will turn black and fall off. It’s best to keep your calathea zebrina in an area that stays between 80 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.To make sure your Calathea zebrina is always in its best condition, try to keep your home temperature within this range.
How much humidity should a calathea zebrina have?
While humidity is not an essential need for a calathea zebrina, it is beneficial to keep the plant in an environment with a moderate level of humidity. Too much humidity can lead to fungal problems, while too little humidity can cause the leaves to dry out and drop. An ideal humidity range for a calathea zebrina is between 50% and 70%. You can measure the humidity level in your home by using a hygrometer. If the humidity is below 50%, you can increase it by using a humidifier. If the humidity is above 70%, you can reduce it by using a dehumidifier.
How often do I water my Calathea Zebrina?
How often you water your Calathea Zebrina will depend on a few factors: the time of year, the pot size, and the humidity levels in your home. In general, you will want to water your plant every 1-2 weeks. However, you may need to water more often in the summertime or if you live in a dry climate, and you may only need to water your plant every 3-4 weeks in the wintertime or if you live in a humid climate. Check the soil before you water to get a sense of how dry it is. If the top inch of soil is dry, then it is time to water your plant.
What happens to Calathea Zebrina if I don’t water it?
Without regular watering, your Calathea Zebrina will start to droop and its leaves will turn brown. If you leave your plant in this condition for an extended period of time, the leaves may even fall off.
Also Read: Calathea Vittata Growing Guide
How to water Calathea Zebrina properly
When it comes to watering your Calathea Zebrina, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, let’s start with the basics. Potting soil should be moist but not wet. When you water your plant, give it a good soaking until water starts to ooze out of the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot. After that, wait until the top inch or so of soil dries out before watering again. But remember: don’t overwater! This is a common mistake people make with Calathea plants. The key is to water regularly, but allow the soil to dry out in between waterings.
How to style a Calathea zebrina
Calathea zebrina is a tropical plant with striking foliage. The leaves are patterned with black and white stripes, making it a beautiful addition to any room. While it’s happy in direct sunlight, Calathea zebrina also does well in areas with lower light levels. When styling your plant, aim to create an environment that mimics its natural habitat. This means giving it a bright spot with some indirect light. You can also carefully water your plant when the soil feels dry to the touch. With a little care, your Calathea zebrina will thrive and add some color to your home.
How to tell if your plant is healthy
Checking on the health of your plants is key to keeping them looking their best. One easy way to tell if your calathea zebrina is healthy is to look at the leaves. The leaves should be a bright green color and upright. The leaves should also be free of blemishes, spots and signs of pests. If you notice any of these, take action to correct the problem right away. Another way to tell if your plant is healthy is to feel the soil. The soil should be damp, but not wet. If the soil is dry, water the plant.

Potential Problems or Issues With Calathea zebrina
Calathea leaves turning yellow
One common problem with growing Calathea is leaves turning yellow. This could be a sign of overwatering, underwatering, poor drainage, or a lack of nutrients. There are a few things you can do to remedy the situation: If the leaves are yellowing due to overwatering, reduce the amount of water you’re giving your plant. If the leaves are yellowing due to underwatering, increase the amount of water you’re giving your plant. If the leaves are yellowing due to poor drainage, make sure to water your plant only when the soil is dry to the touch. If the leaves are yellowing due to a lack of nutrients, make sure to fertilize your plant regularly.
Calathea falling over
One of the most common problems with growing Calathea is that they often fall over. This is usually due to being top-heavy, as the plants tend to have a lot of foliage on top. To remedy this, make sure to stake your plant and use a heavy pot or container. You can also try training the plant to grow in a more upright direction. As Calathea get older, they will become more stable, so if you can be patient, you’ll eventually see fewer falls.
Also Read: Pin-stripe Calathea growing guide
Spider mites
One of the primary pests to look out for is the spider mite. These tiny creatures can wreak havoc on an indoor plant, sucking the sap from leaves and causing them to droop or yellow. If you notice spider mites on your Calathea, take immediate action to get rid of them. One way to do this is to take the plant outdoors and give it a good spraying with a hose. You can also use an organic insecticide like neem oil to get rid of the mites.
The most common problem that is highly likely to affect Calathea zebrina is rust. Rust appears as small orange spots on the leaves and is caused by a fungus. The spots will eventually grow and spread, leading to the death of the leaf. There is no cure for rust, so the best thing you can do is remove any infected leaves and dispose of them properly. To prevent rust, make sure to keep your plants in a well-ventilated area and water them regularly.
Black Mites
These tiny creatures can be a real nuisance, invading and feeding on the plant’s leaves. They can be difficult to get rid of, but there are ways to control them. One of the best ways to keep black mites at bay is to keep your plant healthy and well-maintained. Make sure to keep the soil moist but not wet, and fertilize regularly. You can also try spraying your plant with a neem oil solution.
One issue you might face when growing Calathea zebrina is Dropsy. It appears as a wet, slimy area on the leaves and is often caused by a bacterial infection. If you notice this happening, take measures to reduce the humidity in your growing environment and treat the plant with a fungicide or bactericide.
This leaf-loss disease is caused by a number of different factors, including improper watering, incorrect fertilization, fungal infections, and spider mites. If your Calathea zebrina starts wilting, act fast to save it. Remove all the dead leaves, and then water the plant thoroughly. Apply a liquid fertilizer diluted to half the strength recommended on the label, and mist the leaves with a water-soluble spray fungicide. Be sure to check for spider mites and treat if necessary.
High or Low Humidity
When it comes to the ideal humidity for your calathea zebrina, there is a lot of give and take. If the humidity is too high, the leaves may become soft and malformed. If it is too low, the leaves may become brittle and may fall off the plant. It is important to monitor the humidity in your home and adjust it as necessary to ensure that your calathea zebrina is living in the best possible environment.
Curling Leaves
Calathea zebrina leaves that are curling or not looking healthy signify a humidity problem. If you live in a dry climate, you may need to increase the humidity in your home to prevent your plants from wilting. A humidifier is a great way to add moisture to the air, and you can find them at most home stores.
Calathea zebrina, also known as the zebra plant, is a tropical perennial that is native to Central and South America. This plant is popular for its colorful leaves, which can vary in shades of green, silver, cream, and pink. Calathea zebrina is an easy-to-care-for plant that does well in moist, warm environments. It is also one of the few plants that can survive in low light conditions.