Martagon Lilies, commonly known as Turk’s Cap Lilies, are a group within the genus Lilium known for downward-facing flowers that resemble a turban or a Turkish cap, hence their common name. Native to regions spanning Europe and Asia, these lilies stand out with their elegant, recurved petals, which are adorned with speckles or spots, often in a palette that ranges from soft pinks and whites to deep purples and even yellows or oranges.
The plants themselves can grow quite tall, sometimes reaching up to 2 meters, with stems that are densely packed with flowers, creating a spectacular cascade of color in woodland settings or shaded garden areas. Their foliage is lush, with whorled leaves that add to the plant’s charm, providing a backdrop that complements the intricate design of the blooms.
They thrive in conditions that many other lilies might find challenging, preferring slightly alkaline, well-drained soils and locations with partial shade, which makes them perfect for underplanting in wooded areas or in shaded garden borders. Unlike some lilies, Martagons are not only survivors but also multipliers; they slowly increase in number year by year through bulb offsets. Their scent, while not as overpowering as some lily species, adds a subtle fragrance to the garden, enhancing the sensory experience.
They’ve been mentioned in ancient texts and have been part of European and Asian garden landscapes for centuries, symbolizing purity, majesty, and sometimes melancholy due to their drooping form. In modern gardens, they are prized by enthusiasts for their resilience and the unique beauty they bring to late spring and early summer. Breeders have also embraced these lilies, creating numerous hybrids that offer a broader spectrum of colors and patterns, from the classic ‘Mrs. R.O. Backhouse’ with its yellow and pink tones to the darker, more dramatic ‘Claude Shride’.
Types of Martagon Lilies (Turk’s Cap Lilies)
Lilium martagon (Classic Martagon)
The species plant is a timeless beauty with light purple to pink flowers adorned with dark maroon spots. Blooming in early to mid-summer, it thrives in shaded woodland environments. With a height of up to 6 feet, this lily creates a captivating display when planted in groups, bringing a wild yet refined elegance to any garden.
Lilium martagon var. Album
For those who love understated elegance, the Album variety offers pure white blooms with little to no spotting. Its pristine petals create a serene and calming presence in the garden. This variety grows up to 5 feet tall and thrives in both partial shade and full sun, making it a versatile choice for a tranquil garden setting.
Lilium martagon ‘Claude Shride’
A true showstopper, ‘Claude Shride’ boasts deep mahogany-red petals with golden-orange speckles. This variety is beloved for its rich, velvety hues that create a striking contrast against green foliage. Reaching heights of 6 feet, it’s perfect for making a bold statement in the landscape.
Lilium martagon ‘Guinea Gold’
Bright and cheerful, ‘Guinea Gold’ features golden-yellow petals sprinkled with brown speckles. Its warm hues brighten up shaded areas and bring a sunny vibe to the garden. This variety grows up to 4 feet tall and is a favorite for gardeners looking to add vibrant color to woodland-inspired landscapes.
Lilium martagon ‘Orange Marmalade’
If you’re seeking a bold pop of color, ‘Orange Marmalade’ delivers with its vibrant orange flowers and dark speckles. Standing 5 feet tall, it adds a touch of exotic beauty to the garden. Its eye-catching blooms are particularly striking when planted in clusters.
Lilium martagon ‘Arabian Night’
With dark maroon-red petals and subtle black speckling, ‘Arabian Night’ exudes drama and sophistication. This variety thrives in dappled shade and reaches heights of up to 5 feet. Its deep color and elegant form make it a favorite for creating contrast in garden beds.
Lilium martagon ‘Moonyeen’
Delicate and enchanting, ‘Moonyeen’ features soft pink flowers with darker pink speckles. Its romantic hues and graceful form make it a charming addition to cottage-style gardens. Growing up to 5 feet tall, it blooms beautifully in early summer.
Lilium martagon ‘Russian Morning’
‘Russian Morning’ captivates with its deep red petals and velvety texture, accented by black spots. This striking variety grows up to 6 feet tall and blooms in mid-summer, making it a standout choice for gardeners who appreciate bold, rich tones.
Lilium martagon ‘Fairy Morning’
Soft and whimsical, ‘Fairy Morning’ showcases pale pink to white flowers with light speckling. Its delicate appearance brings a touch of magic to the garden. This variety grows up to 4 feet tall and thrives in partially shaded areas.
Lilium martagon ‘Pink Morning’
As its name suggests, ‘Pink Morning’ offers bright pink blooms adorned with dark speckles. Cheerful and vibrant, this variety adds a joyful burst of color to garden beds. It grows up to 5 feet tall and blooms in early to mid-summer.
Lilium martagon ‘Sunny Morning’
With orange-yellow petals and prominent brown spots, ‘Sunny Morning’ brings warmth and energy to any garden. Growing up to 5 feet tall, it thrives in well-drained soil and partial shade. Its sunny disposition makes it a favorite for brightening shaded corners.
Lilium martagon ‘Redpath’
‘Redpath’ dazzles with its bright crimson-red flowers and subtle dark speckles. This variety grows up to 6 feet tall and blooms in mid-summer, creating a stunning visual display. Its vibrant color makes it a focal point in any garden design.
Lilium martagon ‘White Morning’
For those who love classic elegance, ‘White Morning’ delivers pure white blooms with minimal speckling. Its pristine appearance and graceful form make it a timeless choice for serene garden settings. This variety grows up to 5 feet tall and thrives in partial shade.
Lilium martagon ‘Maroon King’
Majestic and regal, ‘Maroon King’ boasts deep maroon flowers with a velvety sheen. Growing up to 6 feet tall, it commands attention and adds a touch of luxury to garden beds. Its rich color and elegant form make it a standout choice for sophisticated garden designs.
Lilium martagon ‘Terracotta Warrior’
Unique and distinctive, ‘Terracotta Warrior’ features terracotta-orange petals with subtle spotting. This variety grows up to 5 feet tall and blooms in early to mid-summer. Its warm, earthy tones make it a delightful addition to gardens seeking a rustic, natural vibe.