Fescue is a cool-season grass that stays green year-round. Fescues are evergreen or herbaceous perennial tufted grasses with a height range of 10–200 cm and a cosmopolitan distribution, occurring on every continent except Antarctica.
- Creeping red fescue
- Chewings fescue
- Hard fescue
- Sheep fescue
- Slender creeping red fescue
- Tall fescue
Fescue Lawn Care
Mow regularly once the new grass reaches 3 inches tall. Avoid cutting more than 1/3 of the height of the grass by setting the mower to a high mowing height. Leave the grass clippings on the grass to return their nutrients to the soil, thus reducing the need for fertilizer. At this point, water once or twice a week, soaking the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches.
Before fertilizing, test the soil. Adjust the fertilizer amounts and timing according to the results of the soil test. A minimum fertilization schedule might include leaving the grass clippings on the lawn and adding 1 pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn in September. Always water thoroughly after fertilizing.
In areas with poor soil, a regular schedule of fertilization will improve the density and color of the lawn. Apply 1/2 pound actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn in late August or September. Add another pound of nitrogen between October and early December. Add 1/2 pound of actual nitrogen between mid-March and April and repeat the treatment between May and mid-June.
Adjust the fertilizer amounts as needed to increase the green in the grass and help it tolerate heavier use during its growing season. The amount of fertilizer applied per 1,000 square feet over the year should not exceed 5 pounds of actual nitrogen.