21 Types of Aquatic Plants (Characteristics & Pictures)

Aquatic plants add more than just aesthetic value to bodies of water; they play a vital role in creating a balanced ecosystem. Aquatic plants help keep the water cool and act as a food source for wildlife. Aquatic plants exhibit specific adaptations that allow them to survive and thrive in water-based environments. Stems are often soft, spongy, and flexible, with aerenchyma tissue to provide buoyancy and oxygen transport.

Aquatic plants can be classified based on their habitat and water interaction:

Submerged Plants

  • Description: Fully submerged in water, often rooted in the soil. Submerged plants often have thin, finely dissected or ribbon-like leaves to reduce water resistance and increase surface area for photosynthesis.
  • Examples: Hydrilla, Elodea, Vallisneria, Potamogeton.
  • Distribution: Found in freshwater lakes, ponds, rivers, and slow-moving streams worldwide.

Floating Plants

  • Description: Plants float freely on the water surface or have floating leaves. Floating plants have broad, waxy, or spongy leaves to resist waterlogging.
  • Examples: Eichhornia (Water Hyacinth), Lemna (Duckweed), Salvinia, Pistia (Water Lettuce).
  • Distribution: Common in stagnant or slow-moving freshwater bodies in tropical and subtropical regions.

Emergent Plants

  • Description: Rooted in water, with stems and leaves emerging above the waterline. Emergent plants (partly submerged) may have leathery or firm leaves above water to withstand air exposure.
  • Examples: Typha (Cattail), Phragmites (Reed), Cyperus (Papyrus), Nelumbo (Lotus).
  • Distribution: Found in wetlands, marshes, and shallow lakes globally.

Free-Floating Algae-like Plants

  • Description: Microscopic to macroscopic plants that float freely in water.
  • Examples: Spirogyra, Chara, Volvox.
  • Distribution: Found in freshwater and brackish environments.

Marine Hydrophytes

  • Description: Adapted to saline waters; mostly submerged or floating.
  • Examples: Zostera (Eelgrass), Thalassia (Turtle Grass), Posidonia.
  • Distribution: Found in coastal waters, estuaries, and marine environments.

List of Aquatic Plants

Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus)

  • Growth Habit: Forms rosettes with broad, lanceolate leaves extending from a central point.
  • Light: Moderate to high. Benefits from CO2 injection for better growth.
  • Water Conditions: Prefers soft, slightly acidic to neutral water.
  • Uses: Adds a natural look to aquariums, good for fish that like to dig in substrate.


  • Growth Habit: Slow-growing, with broad, thick leaves. Often epiphytic, attaching to hard surfaces.
  • Light: Low to moderate. Can thrive in low light conditions.
  • Water Conditions: Tolerant of various water parameters, including hard water.
  • Uses: Decorative, hardy, good for shaded areas in tanks.

Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus)

  • Growth Habit: Rhizome plant, leaves grow from the rhizome which should not be buried.
  • Light: Low to medium. Benefits from indirect light.
  • Water Conditions: Very adaptable, but prefers softer water.
  • Uses: Can be tied to wood or rocks, acts as a natural surface for egg-laying fish.

Water Wisteria (Hygrophila difformis)

  • Growth Habit: Fast-growing stem plant with deeply serrated leaves.
  • Light: Moderate to high. Higher light promotes compact growth.
  • Water Conditions: Prefers slightly acidic to neutral water, not too hard.
  • Uses: Good for aquariums where quick growth is desired for background or filler.

Dwarf Hairgrass (Eleocharis acicularis)

  • Growth Habit: Forms dense mats or “carpets” resembling grass.
  • Light: High. Requires strong lighting to carpet effectively.
  • Water Conditions: Prefers soft, slightly acidic water.
  • Uses: Foreground plant in aquascaping, creates a lawn-like effect.

Cryptocoryne wendtii

  • Growth Habit: Rosette plant with broad, often colorful leaves.
  • Light: Low to moderate. Can melt under sudden changes but will regrow.
  • Water Conditions: Adaptable, but prefers soft to medium hard water.
  • Uses: Mid-ground to background plant, adds color and texture.

Hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)

  • Growth Habit: Fast-growing, can be planted or float freely.
  • Light: Low to high. Adaptable but can become leggy without enough light.
  • Water Conditions: Very adaptable, can tolerate a wide range of conditions.
  • Uses: Great for new tanks, helps in nitrogen cycling, provides cover for fry and inverts.

Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes)

  • Growth Habit: Floating plant with rosettes of light green leaves.
  • Light: Moderate to high. Needs good light to thrive.
  • Water Conditions: Prefers warm, nutrient-rich water.
  • Uses: Nutrient absorption, shade for fish, aesthetic appeal.

Duckweed (Lemna minor)

  • Growth Habit: Tiny, free-floating plant that multiplies rapidly.
  • Light: Moderate. Can grow under various light conditions.
  • Water Conditions: Very adaptable, grows well in stagnant or slow-moving water.
  • Uses: Bio-filter, quick nutrient uptake, but can block light to other plants.


  • Growth Habit: Delicate feathery leaves on a stem, can grow quite tall.
  • Light: High. Needs strong light to prevent it from becoming leggy.
  • Water Conditions: Soft, acidic water is ideal. Sensitive to changes.
  • Uses: Background plant that adds a lush, bushy look to aquariums.


  • Growth Habit: Long, ribbon-like leaves, forms dense stands.
  • Light: Moderate. Higher light results in more compact growth.
  • Water Conditions: Prefers hard, alkaline water but quite adaptable.
  • Uses: Background plant, creates a forest-like environment.

Frogsbit (Limnobium laevigatum)

  • Growth Habit: Floating plant with circular, slightly cupped leaves.
  • Light: Moderate to high. Needs light to prevent rot.
  • Water Conditions: Prefers still or slow-moving waters, can be sensitive to temperature changes.
  • Uses: Covers water surface, reduces algae by shading, provides fish shelter.

Elodea (Elodea canadensis)

  • Growth Habit: Submerged with leaves in whorls around the stem.
  • Light: Moderate to high. High light prevents leggy growth.
  • Water Conditions: Can tolerate various conditions but prefers cooler water.
  • Uses: Excellent oxygenator, helps in water clarification, refuge for fry.

Rotala rotundifolia

  • Growth Habit: Stem plant with round leaves, can change color with light.
  • Light: High for best coloration (pink/red).
  • Water Conditions: Prefers nutrient-rich, slightly acidic to neutral water.
  • Uses: Mid-ground to background, adds color variation.

Ludwigia repens

  • Growth Habit: Stem plant with oval leaves, color varies from green to red.
  • Light: High for red coloration, moderate for green.
  • Water Conditions: Likes nutrient-rich environments, slightly acidic to neutral.
  • Uses: Adds vibrant color, can be used for mid-ground or background.

Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri)

  • Growth Habit: Moss that grows in tufts or mats.
  • Light: Low to moderate. Indirect light is fine.
  • Water Conditions: Very adaptable, can handle various water parameters.
  • Uses: Creates habitats for small fish, shrimp, and fry, can be used for moss walls.

Marimo Moss Ball

  • Growth Habit: Forms into a spherical shape, grows very slowly.
  • Light: Low to moderate. Too much light can cause algae issues.
  • Water Conditions: Prefers cooler, soft, and slightly acidic water.
  • Uses: Unique aesthetic, natural water purifier, can be used for fry protection.

Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

  • Growth Habit: Floating with bulbous, inflated petioles and rosettes of leaves, produces purple flowers.
  • Light: High. Needs full sunlight to thrive.
  • Water Conditions: Likes nutrient-rich water, can tolerate various conditions.
  • Uses: Nutrient removal, aesthetic floating plant, but requires management.

Bacopa caroliniana

  • Growth Habit: Stem plant with small, round leaves.
  • Light: Moderate to high. Higher light promotes better growth.
  • Water Conditions: Adaptable but prefers slightly acidic to neutral water.
  • Uses: Good for beginners, adds volume and texture, can be used for background or mid-ground.

Anacharis (Egeria densa)

  • Growth Habit: Dense, whorled leaves on long stems.
  • Light: Moderate to high. Good light enhances growth.
  • Water Conditions: Prefers neutral to slightly acidic water, not too hard.
  • Uses: Oxygenation, adds vertical structure, good for aquariums needing plant cover.

Parrot’s Feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum)

  • Growth Habit: Can grow submerged or emergent with feathery leaves.
  • Light: High for best growth and color.
  • Water Conditions: Adaptable but prefers nutrient-rich water.
  • Uses: Can be used in ponds or aquariums, adds a unique look, good for nutrient uptake.