Sunsprite Rose (Floribunda Rose)

Sunsprite Rose, also known as KORresia or Friesia, is a rose cultivar that was developed by Reimer Kordes and introduced in 1973. It is a cross between the cultivars ‘Friedrich Wörlein’ and ‘Spanish Sun’, and it is one of the most successful floribunda roses in the market.

The Sunsprite Rose plant is a shrub that can grow up to 5 feet in height. The blooms high-centered, with a double-petaled form that resembles classic hybrid tea roses. The petals are thick and velvety to touch, and they have a somewhat ruffled appearance.

The color of the blooms is a bright or sunny yellow and can vary from pale lemon hue to a deeper golden shade, depending on the maturity of the flower and the amount of sunlight it receives. Overall, the blooms have a strong, fruity fragrance featuring notes of citrus and honey.

Sunsprite Rose is best grown in full sun to partial shade. It is rated for zones 6-10 by the USDA. This means that it can tolerate minimum temperatures as low as -10°F (-23°C) in zone 6 and as high as 40°F (4°C) in zone 10.

Sunsprite rose has received several prestigious awards including the Baden Baden Gold Medal in 1972 and the ADR-Rose award in 1973 for excellence in beauty and disease resistance. It also received the James Alexander Gamble Fragrance Award in 1979.

Facts About Sunsprite Rose

Scientific NameRosa ‘Sunsprite’
Cultivar GroupFloribunda
Year of Breeding1972
Year of Introduction1973
BreederReimer Kordes
Size3 to 5 feet in height
FoliageLight-green, glossy leaves
USDA Zones  6-10
Marketing Names‘KORresia’, ‘Friesia’
AwardsBaden Baden Gold Medal 1972, ADR-Rose 1973 (detracted), James Alexander Gamble Fragrance Award 1979 and James Mason Memorial Medal 1989.  

How To Grow and Care for Sunsprite Rose


  • Choose a location with well-drained soil and full sunlight. Roses generally require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Plant the rose in a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball.
  • Ensure good air circulation around the plant to prevent diseases.


  • Provide well-draining soil enriched with organic matter.
  • Aim for a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH (around 6.0-7.0).


  • Keep the soil consistently moist, especially during the growing season.
  • Water at the base of the plant to avoid wetting the foliage.
  • Mulch around the base to retain moisture and suppress weeds.


  • Fertilize in early spring with a balanced rose fertilizer.
  • Follow package instructions for application rates and frequency.
  • Consider supplementing with additional fertilizer during the growing season if needed.


  • Prune in late winter or early spring before new growth begins.
  • Remove dead or diseased wood and shape the plant to maintain a compact, bushy form.
  • Regularly deadhead spent blooms to encourage continuous flowering.

Disease Control:

  • Sunsprite Roses are known for their disease resistance, but it’s essential to monitor for common rose diseases.
  • Provide adequate spacing for good air circulation.
  • If necessary, apply fungicides preventively, especially in humid conditions.


  • Monitor for pests like aphids, thrips, or spider mites.
  • Treat pest issues promptly using insecticidal soap or neem oil.


  • Floribunda roses like Sunsprite may not require extensive support, but it’s a good idea to provide stakes if needed, especially during heavy blooming periods.

Winter Care:

  • Mulch around the base of the rose to protect the roots from freezing temperatures.
  • Consider additional winter protection in colder climates.

Regular Inspection:

  • Regularly inspect the Sunsprite Rose for signs of stress, disease, or pests.
  • Early detection allows for timely intervention and better plant health.