Sassafras Tree: History, Leaves, Flowers, Bark (Pictures) – Identification Guide


Sassafras is a genus of three extant and one extinct species of deciduous trees in the family Lauraceae, native to eastern North America and eastern Asia. This tree has a long history in North American culture. Various tribes used the leaves, root bark, and wood in a variety of ways. The Choctaw, for example, used dried, powdered sassafras leaves to thicken soups and stews.

Sassafras was introduced to Europe in the 16th century by explorers like Sir Francis Drake and Sir Walter Raleigh. It was initially touted as a medicinal root in Europe, used to treat ague (fevers) and sexually transmitted diseases. In 1960, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration banned sassafras oil and safrole in commercially mass-produced foods and drugs due to health concerns about the carcinogenicity of safrole, a major constituent of sassafras oil.

Today, Sassafras trees are still found in the wild across a large portion of the eastern United States. It remains culturally significant, particularly in the culinary world. In Louisiana Creole cuisine, it is used in the form of filé powder to thicken gumbo.

Grown primarily for its bark and roots, sassafras has also been planted for its beautiful fall foliage, turning bright orange, red and pink with the colder autumn weather. Native to much of the United States, Sassafras grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9a. Although primarily grown as an outside tree, it can also be grown in a container.

Size and Growth Rate

The size of a Sassafras tree can vary depending on its age and growing conditions, but they generally grow to a height of 30 to 60 feet (9 to 18 meters) and a width of 25 to 40 feet (7.6 to 12 meters). However, some sources suggest that Sassafras trees can grow even taller, reaching up to 115 feet (35 meters) in height.

Sassafras trees are considered fast-growing, especially when they are young. They can grow between 12 and 24 inches (30 to 60 cm) per year, and some sources suggest that they can grow up to 4 feet (1.2 meters) in the first year. The trunk is usually slender, with a diameter of 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 1 meter). The trees have a lifespan of around 30 years, although some sources suggest that they can live up to 50 years.


The leaves of the Sassafras tree range from 3 to 7 inches in length and 1 to 4 inches in width. The leaves come in three shapes on the same tree: oval, mitten-shaped, and three-lobed. They are green color and emit a strong, lemony scent when crushed. The three-lobed leaves resemble a turkey’s foot, while the mitten-shaped leaves have two lobes that resemble a pair of mittens. The oval leaves are simple and un-lobed. They are a bright green color throughout the summer. In the fall, Sassafras leaves turn vibrant colors, including red, orange, purple, and yellow.


Sassafras flowers are small clusters of chartreuse-yellow blooms, sometimes described as greenish-yellow. Each flower has five delicate petals, and they appear in groups on short stalks borne by the branches. They bloom in the spring, from April to May, and are arranged in clusters that can range from a few to several dozen flowers. The flowers are not only visually appealing but also fragrant.

Sassafras flowers are hermaphroditic, they have both male and female reproductive parts. This characteristic allows the flowers to self-pollinate, but they can also cross-pollinate with other Sassafras trees in the vicinity. After pollination, the flowers develop into small, dark-blue to black fruits called drupes, which contain a single seed. The fruits are eaten by birds and small mammals, which then disperse the seeds. Early-season bees, beetles, and flies flit between the blooms, attracted by the nectar they offer.


Sassafras bark undergoes a transformation throughout the tree’s life. On young trees, the bark is a smooth, bright yellow-green with a mucilaginous texture, almost feeling slimy to the touch. As the sassafras matures, the bark transitions to a reddish-brown color and develops a rough, furrowed texture. These deep furrows and ridges become increasingly prominent with age.

Sassafras Fruit

The fruits develop from the female sassafras trees and mature in late summer. Each fruit is borne on a bright red, fleshy stalk that resembles a club in shape. The fruits are ovoid-shaped drupes, they resemble a small teardrop or oval. These fruits are a beautiful deep blue-black when ripe, with a glossy finish.


Sassafras seeds are nestled within the beautiful blue-black fruit of the female tree. Once you crack open the fruit’s fleshy flesh, you’ll find a single, round, and glossy seed. These seeds are about the size of a small pea, usually dark brown or black in color, and have a hard, smooth coat.


  • Location and Soil: The trees thrive in full sun to partial shade. They prefer well-drained, fertile soil that is slightly acidic. Make sure the planting site is not in a low-lying area that collects water, as this can lead to root rot.
  • Planting: The best time to plant the tree is in the spring or fall. Dig a hole twice as wide and just as deep as the root ball of the tree. Gently place the tree in the hole and backfill with soil, making sure the root flare is level with the ground. Water the tree thoroughly after planting.
  • Watering: Young trees need regular watering until they are established. Water deeply once a week during the first growing season. Once established, the trees are drought-tolerant but will benefit from supplemental watering during periods of extended drought.
  • Fertilizing: The trees do not require heavy fertilization. In fact, too much fertilizer can lead to excessive growth and weak branches. A light application of a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring can help promote healthy growth.
  • Pruning: These trees generally do not require much pruning. However, you can prune to remove dead or diseased branches, to improve the shape of the tree, or to control its size. The best time to prune is in late winter or early spring before new growth begins.
  • Pest and Disease Control: They are relatively pest-free and disease-resistant. However, they can be susceptible to scale insects and leaf spot. Regular monitoring and prompt action can help prevent these issues from becoming serious.
  • Propagation: The trees can be propagated from seeds or cuttings. Seeds should be stratified (chilled) for 60-90 days before planting. Cuttings can be taken from semi-hardwood branches in late summer or early fall.