12 Major Types of Crabgrass For Your Lawn

Crabgrass sometimes grows upright but typically grows in a flattened, prostrate habit. It grows in patches, producing branched stems that spread outward to form thick mats that choke out other grasses. Roots grow from nodes on the stems. Crabgrass blades are coarsely textured, are yellowish-green and grow about 1 to 8 inches long. The sheath … Read more

NPK 10-10-10 Fertilizer: What is it & Where Do You Use It?

Just like animals need food to grow and thrive, plants need nutrients. They get some of what they need from the soil, but often, they don’t get the optimal amount. That’s the purpose of fertilizer: to provide plants with the specific nutrients they need to grow that are lacking in the soil of your garden. … Read more

24 Types of Weeping Trees ( Small, Ornamental & Evergreen Varieties)

Weeping trees are trees characterized by soft, limp twigs. This characterization may lead to a bent crown and pendulous branches that can cascade to the ground. While weepyness occurs in nature, most weeping trees are cultivars. Because of their shape, weeping trees are popular in landscaping; generally they need a lot of space and are solitary so that their effect … Read more

21 Types of Christmas Trees And How To Identify Them

Selecting the perfect Christmas tree for your home can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for the entire family. Decorating and displaying a real Christmas tree is a tradition followed by generations of  families. The most common Christmas tree used is a cut tree. However, some prefer using a living Christmas tree sold with roots … Read more

35 Types of Azalea Flowers (Old, Large & Evergreen Varieties)

Azalea shrubs belong to the Rhododendron genus. Rhododendron is a genus of 400 to 1000 species and includes both of what we commonly call rhododendrons and azaleas. There are basically two categories of azaleas available, evergreen and deciduous. The variety within the two categories differ in size, shape, flower color and light preference. Azaleas are grown … Read more

24 Beautiful Types of Bellflowers (Bell-shaped Flowers)

Bellflowers have characteristically bell-shaped, usually blue flowers, and many are cultivated as garden ornamentals. They are native mainly to northern temperate regions, Mediterranean areas, and tropical mountains. Blooming in shades of blue, purple, pink or white, Campanula (Bellflowers) are perfect for beds and borders, particularly in areas with cool summers. Whether annuals, herbaceous or evergreen perennials, they … Read more

26 Stunning Varieties of Salvia to Grow In Your Garden

Salvia is the largest genus of plants in the sage family Lamiaceae, with nearly 1000 species. Salvia species include annual, biennial, or perennial herbaceous plants, along with woody subshrubs. The stems are typically angled like other members in Lamiaceae. The leaves are typically entire, but sometimes toothed or pinnately divided. The flowering stems bear small bracts, dissimilar to the basal leaves … Read more

21 Types of Petunias Flowers: New & Old Varieties

There are four main types of petunia plants: Grandiflora, Multiflora, Milliflora, and Spreading (Wave). All four are readily available in series, which are groups of plants with uniform size and flowering habits. The only varying characteristic is the range of colors of different petunia flowers within each series. Grandiflora Petunia Grandiflora are old Petunia Varieties … Read more