18 Types of Bees Commonly Found In Yards And Gardens

Bees are entirely dependent on flowers for food, which consists of pollen and nectar, the latter sometimes modified and stored as honey. There is no doubt that bees and the flowers that they pollinate evolved simultaneously. As bees go from flower to flower gathering pollen, a small amount is rubbed from their bodies and deposited on the flowers they visit. This … Read more

28 Purple Flowering Perennials And Their Characteristics

What are Perennials? Perennials are those flowers that return reliably year after year—whereas annuals are those one-season wonders that add color and need to be replaced every spring. It’s the perennials which form the backbone of a garden, whereas annual are planted for spots of color. Think of perennials as the foundation.  An advantage of perennials is that they require minimum … Read more

25 Beautiful Mexican Flowers: Flowers Native To Mexico

The variety of flowers that can be found in Mexico has fascinated every flower lover for years now; each landscape in Mexico has its own unique flowers. Its land produces a stunning arrangement of flowers that seems to blend smoothly. A common item found in all Mexican homes is flowers. Home gardens in Mexico are … Read more

40 Popular Florida Flowers: Identification Guide

In much of Florida, the climate is sub-tropical, with mild winters (but subject to short cold spells) and hot, sunny summers. In these place (Florida), there are numerous flowers, shrubs, trailing vines, and evergreen plants all come together to add beauty to landscapes and gardens. A lot of flowers that thrive in shade or sun are … Read more

28 Popular Hawaiian Flowers: Identification Guide

Hawaiian flora is beautiful and diverse. A subtropical region, Hawaii has a year-round warm climate and soil heavy with volcanic ash – two elements that play a role in the healthy growing of a wide variety of flowers and plants. There are three categories of Hawaiian flora – endemic, native and introduced. Endemic refers to … Read more

10 Vagina-Shaped Plants: Plants That Look Like Vagina

Are you on the lookout for botanical specimens that exhibit an uncanny resemblance, whether it be strikingly close or almost identical, to the intricate form of a vagina? Your desire to embellish your home garden or yard with such distinctive flora is understandable, as it promises to infuse your outdoor space with a unique allure … Read more

14 Plants That Look Like Human Body Parts

Guarana Devil’s Fingers Mushroom Psychotria Elata Devil’s Hand False Morels Snapdragon Poppy Plant Loofah Vietnam Carnivorous Pitcher Plant Peter Pepper Moccassin Flower Africa Tulip Flower Huacrapona palm tree Phallic Cactus Guarana Plant Fruits Devil’s Fingers Mushroom Psychotria Elata or Hooker’s Lips False Morels Dead Snapdragon Flower Poppy Plant Devil’s Hand Flower (Chiranthodendron) Loofah Vietnam Africa … Read more

34 Types of Spiders And Their Structural Characteristics

Overview Spiders are arachnids, a class of arthropods that also includes scorpions, mites, and ticks. There are more than 45,000 known species of spiders, found in habitats all over the world. Spiders range in size from the tiny Samoan moss spider, which is .011 inch long, to the massive Goliath birdeater, a tarantula with a leg span … Read more

Insectivorous Plants: 16 Types of Carnivorous Plants

Insect eating plants, commonly referred to as Insectivorous or carnivorous plants are plants that derive some or most of their nutrients from trapping and consuming insects, protozoans and other small arthropods. Carnivorous plants still generate some of their energy from photosynthesis. The insectivorous plants digest the prey chemically using enzymes and bacteria. The end products … Read more