24 Types of Flowering Shrubs & Bushes For Landscaping

Overview Planting shrubs is an easy way to keep your landscape in order. As shaped hedges or borders, shrubs can accentuate focal points, act as natural borders to your property, or decorate the lawn with beautiful flowers and attractive foliage. In addition to providing year-round greenery, top-performing shrubs are low-maintenance. They require little water once … Read more

22 Animals That Start With U (List, Pictures & Description)

List Of Animals That Start With U Uakari Ugandan Kob Uinta Chipmunk Uinta Ground Squirrel Uguisu Urial Ulysses Butterfly Umbrellabird Unadorned Rock Wallaby Underwood’s Long-Tongued Bat Unicorn Crestfish Unstriped Ground Squirrel Ural Field Mouse Uromastyx benti Utah Prairie Dog Urchin Upupa epops Uromastyx aegyptia Uromastyx maliensis Unau Urubu Umbrette Animals That Start With U With … Read more

10 Different Types of Bottlebrush Trees And Shrubs

Overview Native to Australia, bottlebrush plants are a group of approximately 50 evergreen bushes that get their name because the bristled flowers they produce resemble the kind of brush used to clean the inside of a baby’s bottle. The plants feature cylindrical, bushy-stamened flowers in a range of red, yellow or pink which appears brighter … Read more

40 Animals That Start With X: (List & Description)

Below is an alphabetical list of animals that start with X. These animals are found all over the world, which is one of the many things that makes them all so unique. Each animal has an interesting fact to go with it. Birds That Start With X Xantus’s hummingbird– is a medium-sized hummingbird endemic to the Baja California … Read more

16 Different Types of Kale Varieties (With Pictures)

Overview Kale (Brassica oleracea) is a leafy green vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family, a group of vegetables including cabbage, collards and Brussels sprouts and is one of the most nutritionally dense foods you’ll find. Kale is often called a “superfood” because it is packed with nutrients such as calcium, potassium, betacarotene, and other … Read more

16 Different Varieties of Hollyhocks For Your Garden

Overview Hollyhocks (genus Alcea) are striking flowers that can be grown as annuals, biennials or perennials. Hollyhocks grow heart-shaped leaves that clump up into a mound below the flower stalks. Flower types are single, semi-double and double with blossoms 3 to 6 inches wide. The large flowers top strong, tall stalks. Hollyhock varieties are available … Read more

12 Difference Between Delmonico And Ribeye Steak

What Is Delmonico Steak? Delmonico is a marketing term which refers to a variety of meat dishes, originating in different parts of the cow, each distinguished by the way it is prepared. Delmonico borrowed its name from the Delmonico Restaurant in New York City, where this meat dish was popular in the mid-1800s. In addition … Read more

34 Different Types of Palm Trees (With Their Characteristics)

Members of the family Arecaceae, palm trees are an ancient and diverse group of trees that grace commercial, public and home landscaping, thriving in warm climates around the world. They’re prized by home gardeners for their large, attractive leaves and generally low maintenance. There are generally over 1500 species of palm trees with each species … Read more

25 Different Types of Bananas And Their Characteristics

Overview A banana is an edible fruit that belong to the genus Musa. The fruit is variable in size, color, and firmness, but is usually elongated and curved, with soft flesh rich in starch covered with a rind, which may be green, yellow, red, purple, or brown when ripe. The fruits grow in clusters hanging from the top of the … Read more

9 Types of Tiger: Surviving & Extinct Species

Overview The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest living cat species and a member of the genus Panthera. It is most recognizable for its dark vertical stripes on orange-brown fur with a lighter underside. It is an apex predator, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and wild boar. It is territorial and generally a solitary but social predator, requiring large contiguous areas of habitat, which support its requirements for prey and rearing of … Read more