15 Types of Iris Flowers With Pictures

Iris flowers are a group of flowering plants that belong to the genus Iris, which includes around 300 species and thousands of cultivars. The name “Iris” comes from the Greek goddess of the rainbow, and the flowers are often associated with the colors of the rainbow, except for red. Iris is one of the most … Read more

16 Types ZZ Plants (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) With Pictures

The ZZ plant, scientifically known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia, is a popular and hardy houseplant known for its attractive foliage and ease of care. It is native to Eastern Africa and is characterized by its shiny, dark green leaves that grow on multiple fleshy stems. ZZ plants are well-suited for indoor environments and can tolerate a … Read more

Sourwood Tree: History, Leaves, Bark, Flowers – Identification Guide (With Pictures)

Oxydendrum arboreum, commonly called sourwood or sorrel tree, is a deciduous understory tree that is native to the eastern United States from Pennsylvania south to Florida and Louisiana. It is perhaps most commonly found on rocky wooded slopes in the Appalachian Mountains, often growing in combination with other heath family members (e.g., azaleas and rhododendrons) … Read more

Cottonwood Tree: History, Leaves, Flowers, Bark (Pictures) – Identification Guide

Populus deltoides, the eastern cottonwood or necklace poplar, is a species of cottonwood poplar native to North America, growing throughout the eastern, central, and southwestern United States as well as the southern Canadian prairies, the southernmost part of eastern Canada, and northeastern Mexico. Cottonwood trees (genus Populus) are named for their seeds, which are covered … Read more

Larch Tree: History, Leaves, Flowers, Bark (Pictures) – Identification Guide

Larch trees belong to the genus Larix and are part of the pine family (Pinaceae). The English name larch ultimately derives from the Latin “larigna”, named after the ancient settlement of Larignum. These trees are deciduous conifers (shed their needle-like leaves in the fall) unlike most other coniferous trees that retain their foliage year-round. The … Read more

7 Major Types of Buckeye Trees (With Their Leaves & Flowers)

Buckeye trees, scientifically known as Aesculus, are a genus of deciduous trees and shrubs belonging to soapberry family (Sapindaceae). These trees are predominantly found in the eastern and central regions of the United States. Its natural range is primarily in the Midwestern and lower Great Plains regions of the United States, extending southeast into the geological Black Belt of Alabama and … Read more

Sassafras Tree: History, Leaves, Flowers, Bark (Pictures) – Identification Guide

History Sassafras is a genus of three extant and one extinct species of deciduous trees in the family Lauraceae, native to eastern North America and eastern Asia. This tree has a long history in North American culture. Various tribes used the leaves, root bark, and wood in a variety of ways. The Choctaw, for example, used dried, powdered sassafras leaves to thicken soups and stews. Sassafras … Read more

Pacific Dogwood (Cornus nuttallii): History, Characteristics, Lifespan & Cultivation

The Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii), also called California dogwood tree, Western dogwood and mountain dogwood  is a species of dogwood tree native to western North America often grown as an ornamental tree in coastal regions west of the Cascades. This tree was first described by Scottish botanist David Douglas during his expedition to the Pacific … Read more