20 Types of Peace Lily ( Spathiphyllum Plant)

The peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is an immensely popular houseplant, beloved for its undemanding nature and willingness to grow even in low-light situations. The plant’s popular name derives from the delicate flowers that soar above the leaves like white flags. Even when not blooming, the peace lily’s gently arching foliage still evokes a sense of tranquility. … Read more

24 Major Alocasia Varieties For Indoor & Outdoor

The genus Alocasia is made up of around 80 Species and dozens of hybrids. They are generally herbaceous perennial plants that come from tropical regions in Asia, Africa and Australia; and are closely related to taro plants (Colocasia spp.).The plants can grow to an enormous size to provide shade and a lush, tropical feel to … Read more

14 Types of Ginger: Edible, Ornamental & Wild Varieties

Ginger plants are categorised into three groups: Wild, Ornamental and Edible types. Edible ginger varieties are grown for their spicy roots and leaves whereas Ornamental ginger plants are grown for their flowers and foliage for the ornamental/floristry market. Wild gingers on the other hand grow in the wild and are generally used as ground covers. … Read more

15 Difference Between Lime and Lemon (Trees & Fruits)

What is a Lemon? Lemons are ancient, aromatic fruits that grow on evergreen trees reaching between 3 to 10 meters in height, belonging to the Rutaceae family. The name Lemon is a descriptor used to encompass many different varieties of flowering plants with fruits, and true Lemons, or Lemons that are primarily found in modern-day … Read more

10 Major Varieties of Wandering Jew (With Pictures)

Tradescantia is a creeping, succulent, multi-branching perennial herb that can form a dense ground cover and root freely at nodes. Alternate, lanceolate shaped leaves have parallel veins that are either green or tinged with purple. Leaves are also somewhat pubescent. Leaf blades arise from short, closed sheaths and are 2 inches long and 0.75 inches wide. … Read more

15 Types of Marigold Flowers: Tall & Dwarf Varieties

Marigolds (​Tagetes spp.​) are known to produce cheerful, abundant, multiple blossoms on upright plants with bright green pungent foliage. Seeds evolve in tight clusters just below the flowers and, if not harvested, fall off and often produce new plants the following year. Even at the height of summer, they bloom profusely, and come in a … Read more

20 Beautiful Types of Magnolia Trees & Shrubs For Your Garden

The magnolia genus (Magnolia spp.) consists of 80 species of deciduous or evergreen trees and shrubs characterized by large, deeply fragrant blooms, which emerge in the spring or summer in shades of white, pink, magenta and yellow. Popular varieties include: Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) Chinese Magnolia  (Magnolia x soulangiana) Star Magnolia (Magnolia stellata) Sweetbay Magnolia … Read more

18 Different Varieties of Dogwood Trees And Shrubs

Landscaping around your home can make it look more attractive, and trees are among the most impressive and useful landscape elements. If you’d like your house to appear wider, plant a tree near its corner, choosing a variety that’s not too tall but has a wide canopy. A dogwood tree can be a good example in … Read more

Cassava (Yuca): Varieties, How To Grow & Store

Cassava, Manihot esculenta, is a perennial shrub in the family Euphorbiaceae grown primarily for its storage roots which are eaten as a vegetable. The cassava plant is a woody plant with erect stems and spirally arranged simple lobed leaves with petioles (leaf stems) up to 30 cm in length. The plant produces petal-less flowers on a … Read more

32 Types of Eucalyptus Trees And Their Characteristics

The first eucalyptus was catalogued in 1770s, in Australia by botanist David Nelson, a member of Captain James Cook’s famous Endeavor voyage. Today, the name eucalyptus describes more than 800 species of varying sizes and growth habits, with some of the largest species reaching up to 325 feet in height. Eucalyptus or gum trees are … Read more