24 Types of Camellia Plants & Their Characteristics (With Pictures)

Camellia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae. They are found in tropical and subtropical areas in eastern and southern Asia, from the Himalayas east to Japan and Indonesia. There are more than 220 described species. Camellias are popular ornamental, tea, and woody-oil plants cultivated worldwide for centuries. Over 26,000 cultivars, with … Read more

Clematis armandii (Evergreen Clematis): History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Clematis armandii, known commonly as Evergreen Clematis or Armand’s Clematis, is native to China and was first described by the French missionary and naturalist Père Armand David in the 19th century. It was introduced to Western gardens in the early 1900s by the famous plant collector Ernest Henry Wilson, who sent seeds back to England. … Read more

Clematis Henryi: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Clematis ‘Henryi’ is one of the classic large-flowered clematis hybrids. It was named after the German botanist and plant collector Augustine Henry, who was instrumental in bringing many plants from China to the Western world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, the cultivar ‘Henryi’ itself was bred by Isaac Anderson-Henry, a Scottish … Read more

Clematis montana (Mountain Clematis): History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Clematis montana, commonly known as mountain clematis or Himalayan clematis, originates from the mountainous regions of Asia, particularly the Himalayas. It was introduced to Western gardens in the early 19th century. The species was first described by the botanist Buch.-Ham. ex DC., and over time, several cultivars have been developed to enhance color variations and … Read more