Weeping Willow Tree (Salix babylonica): History, Characteristics, USDA Zones, Cultivation & Landscape Uses

Weeping Willow Tree (Salix babylonica) Contrary to what its common name might suggest, the Weeping Willow, Salix babylonica, is not native to Babylon but to China. It originates from the dry northern areas of the country, where it grows near rivers and streams. Its natural habitat includes regions around the Yellow River and other parts … Read more

Tuscarora Crape Myrtle: History, Characteristics, Cultivation & Landscape Uses

The Tuscarora Crape Myrtle is not a native species but rather a hybrid developed from breeding between Lagerstroemia indica (common crape myrtle, native to Southeast Asia, including India, China, and the Philippines) and Lagerstroemia fauriei (Japanese crape myrtle, native to Japan). Therefore, it doesn’t have a “native area” in the traditional sense but is cultivated … Read more

Rainbow Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta): History, Characteristics, USDA Zones & Cultivation

The Rainbow Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta), also known as the Mindanao Gum or Rainbow Gum, is one of the most visually stunning trees in the world. It is native to the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia and the Pacific, including regions in the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and parts of New Britain and New Guinea. Its natural habitat thrives in rainforests near … Read more

Traveler’s Palm (Ravenala madagascariensis): History, Characteristics, USDA Zones & Cultivation

The Traveler’s Palm (Ravenala madagascariensis), despite its name, is not a true palm but a member of the Strelitziaceae family, closely related to the bird-of-paradise plant. The Traveler’s Palm is indigenous to Madagascar, an island nation off the southeastern coast of Africa known for its extraordinary biodiversity. In its natural habitat, it thrives in humid, lowland rainforests and along riverbanks, … Read more

38 Most Popular Types of Nuts With Pictures

Nuts are a diverse group of seeds or dry fruits enclosed in hard or leathery shells, offering a rich tapestry of flavors, textures, and nutritional profiles that have been integral to human diets for millennia. They vary significantly in taste, from the sweet, buttery richness of cashews and macadamias to the earthy bitterness of acorns … Read more

Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare): History, Characteristics, USDA Zones & Cultivation

The Oxeye Daisy, scientifically known as Leucanthemum vulgare, is native to Europe and parts of temperate Asia. It thrives in a variety of habitats, including meadows, pastures, roadsides, and waste areas, often in well-drained, somewhat disturbed soils. Its natural range extends from Great Britain and Scandinavia to the western parts of Russia, with a preference … Read more

21 Major Trees With Purple Leaves For Landscaping

Trees with purple leaves are not just a visual delight; they are a bold statement in landscape design, offering an alternative to the more common green foliage. These trees come in various species, from maples and plums to beeches and crabapples. The purple color in leaves is due to the presence of anthocyanins, pigments that … Read more

Arizona Ash Tree (Fraxinus velutina): Characteristics, USDA Zones & Cultivation

The Arizona Ash, scientifically named Fraxinus velutina, is indigenous to the southwestern United States and parts of northwestern Mexico. Its natural range includes states like Arizona, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and Utah, where it grows in riparian zones, along washes, and in canyons or foothills where moisture is more available than in the surrounding … Read more

Totem Pole Cactus: Native Area, History, Characteristics, USDA Zones & Cultivation

The Totem Pole cactus, scientifically known as Pachycereus schottii monstrosus, is native to the arid landscapes of Baja California, Mexico, and extends into some parts of the Sonoran Desert in the United States, particularly around the southernmost areas of Arizona. This unique cactus thrives in the warm, dry climates of these regions, often found on … Read more

Foxtail Fern: Native Area, History, Characteristics, USDA Zones & Cultivation

The Foxtail fern, botanically known as Asparagus densiflorus ‘Myersii’, originates from the rocky, open woods, savanna thickets, and coastal areas of southeastern South Africa. This region’s climate, typically warm and humid, with well-draining soils, has shaped the plant’s adaptations, allowing it to thrive in similar conditions elsewhere. The Foxtail fern has been recognized for its … Read more