Generally, each flower consists of a floral axis upon which are borne the essential organs of reproduction (stamens and pistils) and usually accessory organs (sepals and petals). The sepals and petals together make up the perianth or floral envelope. The sepals are usually greenish and often resemble reduced leaves, while the petals are usually colorful and showy. Typically a flower is made up of female parts also referred to as gynoecium and the male parts also referred to as the androecium.
The gynoecium or the female parts of the flower consists of one or more pistils, each of which consists of an ovary, with an upright extension, the style, on top of which rests the stigma, the pollen-receptive surface. The androecium or male parts of the flower, consists of the stamens, each of which consists of supporting filaments and an anther, in which pollen is produced. Depending on the position of the ovary, relative to other floral parts; a flower can be classified as Hypogenous, Perigynous or Epigynous.

What Is A Hypogenous Flower?
Hypogenous flower is a flower having the floral parts such as sepals, petals and stamen borne on the receptacle beneath the ovary. In other words, the perianth and stamens are attached to the receptacle below the gynoecium; the ovary is superior to these organs and the remaining floral organs arise below the point of origin of the carpel. Examples of hypogenous flowers include: Tulip, China rose, drupes, brinjal, snapdragon etc.
Characteristics Of Hypogenous Flower
- In Hypogenous flower, the floral parts such as sepals, petals and stamen borne on the receptacle beneath the ovary.
- Hypogenous flower has a superior ovary.
- The androperianth is attached to the receptacle below the ovary.
- The development of the constituents of the androperianth occurs separately and in a well-spread manner.
- No part of the thalamus is expanded except for a central projection.
- Whole of the pistil is visible from outside.
- Thalamus is not fused with the wall of ovary.
- Thalamus is convex or conical in hypogenous flowers.
What Is A Perigynous Flower?
Perigynous flower is a flower having sepals, petals and stamens around the edge of a cuplike receptacle containing the ovary as in flowers of the rose or cherry. In other words, the hypanthium (a floral tube formed from the fusion of the stamens, petals and sepals) is attached to the receptacle below the gynoecium and surrounds the ovary. The ovary is superior and free parts of the petals, sepals and stamens are attached to the rim of the hypanthium. Example of Perigynous flower include: Rose, Peach, Cherry, Plum, Prunus etc.
Characteristics Of Perigynous Flower
- In Perigynous flower the sepals, petals and stamens around the edge of a cuplike receptacle containing the ovary as in flowers of the rose or cherry.
- The Ovary of Perigynous flower is superior, other parts are inferior.
- Androperianth is borne around or above the level of ovary.
- Constituents of androperianth usually develop from the common base.
- Periphery of the thalamus is expanded to form hypanthium.
- Whole pistil may or may not be visible from outside.
- Thalamus is free from ovary wall.
- Thalamus is disc-shaped, cup-shaped or flask-shaped.
What Is An Epigynous Flower?
Epigynous flower is a flower with the floral parts such as the petals and stamens attached to or near the upper part of the ovary. In other words, the hypanthium is fused to the gynoecium and the free parts of the sepals, petals and stamens appear to be attached to the top of the gynoecium. The ovary is inferior while the petals, sepals and stamens are superior. Examples of Epigynous include: Sunflower, Orchids, apple, pear, aster, Guava, Daffodil etc.
Characteristics Of Epigynous Flower
- In an Epigynous flower, the floral parts such as the petals and stamens attached to or near the upper part of the ovary.
- Epigynous flower has an inferior ovary while other parts are superior.
- Androperianth is attached to the top of the ovary.
- Constituents of androperianth develop jointly from the neck of hollowed out thalamus.
- Thalamus is hollowed out.
- Only style and stigma are visible from outside.
- Thalamus is fused with the wall of the ovary.
- Thalamus is usually flask shaped.
Hypogenous Vs Perigynous Vs Epigynous In Tabular Form
Position Of Ovary & Other Floral Parts | The floral parts such as sepals, petals and stamen borne on the receptacle beneath the ovary. | The sepals, petals and stamens around the edge of a cuplike receptacle containing the ovary as in flowers of the rose or cherry. | The floral parts such as the petals and stamens attached to or near the upper part of the ovary. |
Ovary | Hypogenous flower has a superior ovary. | The Ovary of Perigynous flower is superior, other parts are inferior. | Epigynous flower has an inferior ovary while other parts are superior. |
Androperianth | The androperianth is attached to the receptacle below the ovary. | Androperianth is borne around or above the level of ovary. | Androperianth is attached to the top of the ovary. |
Constituents Of Androperianth | The development of the constituents of the androperianth occurs separately and in a well-spread manner. | Constituents of androperianth usually develop from the common base. | Constituents of androperianth develop jointly from the neck of hollowed out thalamus. |
Thalamus Structure | No part of the thalamus is expanded except for a central projection. | Periphery of the thalamus is expanded to form hypanthium. | Thalamus is hollowed out. |
Pistil | Whole of the pistil is visible from outside. | Whole pistil may or may not be visible from outside. | Only style and stigma are visible from outside. |
Fusion Of Thalamus | Thalamus is not fused with the wall of ovary. | Thalamus is free from ovary wall. | Thalamus is fused with the wall of the ovary. |
Shape Of Thalamus | Thalamus is convex or conical in hypogenous flowers. | Thalamus is disc-shaped, cup-shaped or flask-shaped. | Thalamus is usually flask shaped. |