21 Types of Poplar Trees And How To Identify Them

Poplar trees are tall deciduous trees valued for ornament, shelter belts, pulp and wood, and include cottonwood and aspen. Poplar trees produce bright green leaves. In the fall the leaves sometimes take on a bright yellow or gold color. The flowers of the poplar are yellowish catakins that form on the tree in the spring before … Read more

20 Types Of Ash Trees And How To Identify Them

The genus Fraxinus, a family of deciduous trees, includes the olive and the ash tree. The trees primarily grow in the northern hemisphere, and 18 ash species are found in the United States. Five predominate the market for lumber cuts and ornamental tree plantings. Most ash trees are small to medium in height, although some … Read more

7 Major Types of Dragon Fruit And How To Grow Them

Dragon fruit, also known as Pitaya or Pitahaya, is a member of the cactus family, and is botanically found in two separate genera: Hylocereus and Selenicereus. However, the most commonly cultivated varieties are in the genus, Hylocereus, including the white-fleshed fruit, Hylocereus undatus. The Dragon fruit plant has also been nicknamed Belle of the Night, … Read more

18 Varieties of Poppies For Your Home Garden

A Poppy can be any member of the genus Papaver, which contains about 70 species of annuals, perennials and biennial plants. Poppy plants are known for their bright flowers with crepe paper-like petals, interesting seed pods and useful seeds. All are native to temperate zones of the world. Most have four petals, often crinkled, resembling … Read more

24 Different Types of Hardwood Trees For Homes

To further group trees into distinctive categories, they are classified as either hardwood or softwood. Softwood trees are usually those that produce needles, such as pine trees. These trees are evergreen, keeping their foliage throughout the winter months. On the other hand, hardwood trees are typically deciduous, dropping their leaves during the fall and winter … Read more

24 Fast Growing Shade Trees For Your Home

A shade tree is a large tree whose primary role is to provide shade in the surrounding environment due to its spreading canopy and crown, where it may give shelter from sunlight in the heat of the summer for people who seek recreational needs in urban parks and house yards, and thus, also protecting them from the sun’s harmful UV rays and sunburns. Shade trees often … Read more

50 Best Fast Growing Trees Around The World

Fast-growing trees can be a blessing when you need shade, a bit of privacy or if you need to block an unattractive view of your neighbors. It’s tempting to choose trees that grow as quickly as possible, but sometimes the fastest-growing trees are the worst choices. This is because many fast-growing trees grow so quickly … Read more

24 Trees And Shrubs With Winter Berries

If you enjoy watching wildlife in the fall and winter months, consider planting trees, shrubs or vines that produce berries. Many native berries mature in late summer to early fall and disappear, in part, because animals and birds eat and spread them. Fortunately, many native plants and introduced species can provide beautiful berries that persist into the winter months and … Read more

24 Fast Growing Vegetables To Try At Home

Vegetables are parts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as food. The original meaning is still commonly used and is applied to plants collectively to refer to all edible plant matter, including the flowers, fruits, stems, leaves, roots, and seeds. These plant parts are either eaten fresh or prepared in a number … Read more