Golden Splendor Lily: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Lilium ‘Golden Splendor’, also known as Golden Splendour Lily, is a hybrid lily developed as part of the trumpet lily group. It was developed in the mid-20th century by Dr. Jan de Graaff by crossing different trumpet lilies. Dr. de Graaff is credited with developing many notable lily cultivars. He developed this lily at the … Read more

Black Out Lily: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

The Black Out Lily (Lilium ‘Black Out’) is part of the Division I Asiatic hybrid lily group. Usually Asiatic lilies are among the first lilies to bloom in the summer, starting their floral display in June and continuing for several weeks. Unlike other lilies, Asiatic lilies generally have little to no fragrance. Flowers bloom in … Read more

Golden-rayed Lily: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

The Golden-rayed Lily, also known as Lilium auratum, is one of the true lilies. It is native to Japan and is sometimes called the goldband lily. It is particularly prevalent in the mountainous regions of Honshu and Shikoku islands, where it’s known as the “yamayuri” (literally meaning “mountain lily”). The Golden-Rayed Lily was introduced to Europe and North America … Read more

Stargazer Lily: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

Lilium ‘Stargazer’ is a hybrid lily that belongs to the ‘Oriental group’. Oriental lilies are known for their fragrant perfume, blooming mid-to-late summer. This isn’t just an average lily, it’s a star among the flowers, with its upward-facing blooms. The lily come in different colors, with the most common being a bright pink with speckles … Read more

Queen Elizabeth Rose: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

The Queen Elizabeth rose, officially named Rosa ‘Queen Elizabeth’ is a worldwide popular rose and can be found in gardens, parks, and commemorative plantings. This rose blooms profusely throughout the growing season, from late spring to frost. Developed by Dr. Walter Lammerts and introduced in 1954, the rose was named to honor Queen Elizabeth II’s … Read more

Angel Face Rose: History, Characteristics & Cultivation

The Angel Face Rose, officially known as Rosa ‘Angel Face’, is a floribunda rose variety. This rose was developed by Herbert Swim & Weeks Rose Growers, and introduced into the United States in 1968 by Conard-Pyle (Star Roses) with the name ‘Angel Face’. From 1968 till today it is a popular flower among gardeners and … Read more