List Of Animals That Start With U
- Uakari
- Ugandan Kob
- Uinta Chipmunk
- Uinta Ground Squirrel
- Uguisu
- Urial
- Ulysses Butterfly
- Umbrellabird
- Unadorned Rock Wallaby
- Underwood’s Long-Tongued Bat
- Unicorn Crestfish
- Unstriped Ground Squirrel
- Ural Field Mouse
- Uromastyx benti
- Utah Prairie Dog
- Urchin
- Upupa epops
- Uromastyx aegyptia
- Uromastyx maliensis
- Unau
- Urubu
- Umbrette
Animals That Start With U With Pictures
1. Uakari
Uakari, (genus Cacajao), is any of several types of short-tailed South American monkeys with shaggy fur, humanlike ears, and distinctive bald faces that become flushed when the animal is excited. In two of the three colour forms, the face is bright red. Uakaris are about 35–50 cm long, excluding their strangely short 15–20-cm nonprehensile, or nongrasping, tails.
2. Underwood’s long-tongued bat
Underwood’s long-tongued bat is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is found in Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama.
3. Ugandan Kob
The Ugandan kob is a subspecies of the kob, a type of antelope. It is found in sub-Saharan Africa in South Sudan, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Ugandan kob is normally reddish-brown, differentiating it from other kob subspecies. The Ugandan kob is similar in appearance to the impala but it is more sturdily built. Only the males have horns, which are lyre-shaped, strongly ridged and divergent.
A Ugandan kob appears on the coat of arms of Uganda, along with a grey crowned crane representing the abundant wildlife present in the country.
4. Uinta Chipmunk
The Uinta chipmunk or hidden forest chipmunk (Neotamias umbrinus), is a species of chipmunk in the family Sciuridae. It is endemic to the United States.The Uinta chipmunk is a medium-sized chipmunk, with adults ranging from 20 to 24 cm in length, including the tail at 7 to 11 cm and weighing an average of 67 g.
The predominant color of the summer coat varies from yellowish brown-grey to dark brown, often with a reddish tinge. Three wide, distinct dark blackish-brown stripes run down the back, separated and surrounded by four paler stripes of pale grey to white fur. Also, three dark and three pale stripes are on each side of the face. In the winter, the coat becomes duller and more greyish, and the stripes become less distinct. The ears are black, and the underparts a very pale grey. The tail has orange and black fur, with a paler fringe of hair on the underside.
5. Uinta Ground Squirrel
The Uinta ground squirrel commonly called a “chisler” and Potgut in northern Utah, is a species of rodent native to the western United States. It is a moderately sized ground squirrel, measuring 28 to 30 cm in total length. They weigh about 210 g when they emerge from hibernation, a figure that steadily increases until they are ready to hibernate again in the fall. Their fur is brown to cinnamon in color, being paler on the underside and grey on the sides of the head and neck.
The Uinta ground squirrel eats seeds, green vegetation, insects, and occasionally meat. The species mates in early spring, and females give birth to a litter of four to six young about a month later (usually in April). The Uinta ground squirrel is active throughout the day during spring and summer, but hibernates in underground burrows during the fall and winter. Members of the species often live in large colonies.
6. Uguisu
The Uguisu is a small species of bird that is natively found throughout Japan, China and Taiwan, along with a number of other regions of the far east. The Uguisu bird is also commonly known as the Japanese Bush-Warbler, as it is named for its beautifully distinctive song. The Uguisu is most closely related to other small songbirds including Bushtits and Nightingales which they are similar in appearance too, although the Uguisu is generally very slightly larger.
The Uguisu is a small-sized bird that is known for its fairly dull colouration, particularly in comparison with the beauty of its song. They tend to be olive-green or light brown in colour with darker plumage towards the tips of their wings and tail. The tail of the Uguisu is relatively long in relation to its body size and is comprised of straight feathers, making it similar in appearance to Long-Tailed Tits to which the Uguisu are thought to be closely related.
7. Urial
The urial, also known as the arkars or shapo, is a wild sheep native to Central and South Asia. In these regions, it lives in steep grassy terrain below the tree line. It may also occur in agricultural fields and occasionally in partly wooded, mountainous areas.
Males have massive horns, the females’ horns being much smaller. Their hair is generally brownish red, and males have white ‘beards’ below their mouth, while females are usually the same color over their whole body, with the exception of their legs near the hooves.
8. Ulysses Butterfly
The Ulysses butterfly (also commonly known as the Blue emperor), is a large swallowtail butterfly of Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. This butterfly is used as an emblem for tourism in Queensland, Australia.
The Ulysses butterfly typically has a wingspan of about 14 cm (5.5 in).The upperside of the wings are an iridescent electric blue; the underside is a more subdued black and brown. The colours are produced by the microscopic structure of the scales, a phenomenon called structural coloration.
The female of the species is different from the male in that she has little crescents of blue in the back, upside sections of her hindwings, where there is only black for males. When the butterfly is perched the intense blue of its wings is hidden by the plainer brown under side of its wings, helping it to blend in with its surroundings.
9. Umbrellabirds
Umbrellabirds are birds in the genus Cephalopterus. They are found in rainforests of Central and South America. They are almost entirely black, and have a conspicuous crest on the top of their head, vaguely resembling an umbrella (hence their common name).
All Umbrellabirds have an inflatable wattle on the neck, which serves to amplify their loud, booming calls. This wattle may reach a length of 35 cm (14 in) in the long-wattled umbrellabird, but it is smaller in the two remaining species and covered in bare, bright red skin in the bare-necked umbrellabird.
They feed on fruits, large insects and occasionally small vertebrates (e.g. lizards). The males gather in loose leks, where they call and extend their wattle to attract females. The flimsy nest is built entirely by the females, which incubate and raise the chicks without help from the males.
10. Unadorned Rock Wallaby
Petrogale inornata (Unadorned Rock Wallaby) is a species of mammals in the family Macropodidae. They are found across mainland Australia and on some recently separated offshore islands but not on the Bass Strait Islands, Tasmania or New Guinea.
All Rock-wallabies favor habitat with rocky outcrops and slopes, cliffs and gorges or are found on boulder piles and escarpments especially in the wet-dry tropics. Their ability to scale precipitous rock faces in leaps that appear to defy gravity comes from adaptations to the feet and tail.
The feet are short relative to the majority of macropods that inhabit flat ground. The pads are thick, spongy and highly granulated so that they compress on the rock surface and maximize grip. The tail is long and cylindrical with little taper and great flexibility. The tail acts as a counterbalance and rudder in rapid hopping across uneven surfaces and allows changes of direction in mid-air.
11. Urchin
Urchins or Sea urchins are members of the phylum Echinodermata, which also includes sea stars, sea cucumbers, brittle stars, and crinoids. Like other echinoderms, they have five-fold symmetry (called pentamerism) and move by means of hundreds of tiny, transparent, adhesive “tube feet”. The symmetry is not obvious in the living animal, but is easily visible in the dried test.
They are widely distributed across all the oceans and all climates from tropical to polar, and inhabit marine benthic (sea bed) habitats from rocky shores to hadal zone depths.
12. Unicorn Crestfish
The unicorn crestfish or unicornfish, is a very rare, little-known species of crestfish in the family Lophotidae. This fish has ribbon-like body measuring up to 150 cm (60 in) in length.
The upper jaw is protrusible, and the jaws contain small conical teeth. The dorsal fin runs along the entire length of the body and contains 290-350 soft rays; the first three to five dorsal rays at the tip of the projecting ridge are elongated into a pennant.
The pectoral fins contain 10-16 rays; the pelvic fins are absent. The anal fin contains five to 9 rays and in adults is split lengthwise to form two rows of nubbins. The caudal fin contains 10-14 rays, with the bottommost ray enlarged and bony. The coloration is silvery with 22-55 dark subvertical bands. The dorsal and caudal fins are crimson.
13. Unstriped Ground Squirrel
The unstriped ground squirrel (Xerus rutilus) is a species of rodent commonly found in East African region. Its natural habitats are dry savanna and subtropical or tropical dry shrubland.
The unstriped ground squirrel is brownish or tawny in color with a lighter colored front. The eye is ringed with white hair (all hair being coarse in observed specimens). Their small head and body measure on average 9 inch long with an average tail length of 7 inch whereas the body weight varies across studies and habitats and ranges from 250 to 420 grams.
14. Ural Field Mouse
The Ural field mouse (Apodemus uralensis) is a species of rodent in the family Muridae. It is also known as the pygmy field mouse. It is characterized by upper and lower pairs of ever-growing rootless incisor teeth.
Ural Field Mouse are small animals with robust bodies, short limbs, and long tails. They use their sharp incisors to gnaw food, excavate burrows, and defend themselves. Most eat seeds or other plant material, but some have more varied diets.
15. Utah Prairie Dog
The Utah prairie dog is the smallest species of
prairie dog, a member of the squirrel family of rodents native to the south central steppes of the US state of Utah. The fur is multicolor, which consists of black, brown, and dark brown at the tip. Face has dark brown cheeks and whitish tone of chins and mouth.
Utah prairie dogs prefer swale land area with abundant herbaceous plants. They build burrows on soils with adequate drain ability, and depth to protect themselves from predators and other environmental factors such as temperature.
16. Upupa epops
The Upupa epops also referred to as Eurasian hoopoe is a medium-sized bird, 10–13 inch long, with a 16–20 inch wingspan. It weighs between 45–90g. The species is highly distinctive, with a long, thin tapering bill that is black with a fawn base. The strengthened musculature of the head allows the bill to be opened when probing inside the soil.
The hoopoe has broad and rounded wings capable of strong flight; these are larger in the northern migratory subspecies. The hoopoe has a characteristic undulating flight, which is like that of a giant butterfly, caused by the wings half closing at the end of each beat or short sequence of beats. Adults may begin their moult after the breeding season and continue after they have migrated for the winter
17. Uromastyx aegyptia
Uromastyx aegyptia is a species of lizard in the family Agamidae. The species is endemic to North Africa and the Middle East. Lizards in the genus Uromastyx are primarily herbivorous, but occasionally eat insects and other small animals, especially young lizards. They spend most of their waking hours basking in the sun, hiding in underground chambers at daytime, or when danger appears. They tend to establish themselves in hilly, rocky areas with good shelter and accessible vegetation.
18. Unau
Unau (Choloepus didactylus), also known as the southern two-toed sloth or Linne’s two-toed sloth is a species of sloth from South America. They are larger than three-toed sloths. They have longer hair, bigger eyes, and their back and front legs are more equal in length. Their ears, hind feet and head are generally larger than Bradypodidae. They do however have a shorter tail. Their shoulder height, the height from the shoulder blade to the tips of the claw is longer than three-toed sloths, indicating longer arms.