Amaryllis Bulbs: How To Grow And Care Year-round


Amaryllis is a great flower for beginners and anyone who wants to add some cheer indoors. It’s also known as the naked lady, because of its long blooming time (about three months), and the way it drops its leaves around that time too.

There is nothing quite like the brilliant red blooms of amaryllis in the middle of winter. They are bright, beautiful, and (most importantly) they brighten your home, even in the coldest months of the year. Amaryllis bulbs come in an array of colors, shapes, and sizes, but most varieties will grow well in medium or bright indirect light. You can even grow them in your bathroom.

What is amaryllis?

Amaryllis is a genus of bulbous flowering plants in the family Amaryllidaceae. The genus is in the subfamily Amaryllidoideae, which is the larger of the two subfamilies that comprise Amaryllidaceae. There are about 70-80 species in the genus. Amaryllis flowers are large, showy and fragrant. The flowers come in a range of colors including white, pink, red, orange and yellow. Amaryllis bulbs are round, fleshy, and grow from 2-8 inches in diameter. Amaryllis bulbs are popular for indoor winter flowering.

Different Stages of Amaryllis

There are different stages of amaryllis, and each stage has a different meaning. The first stage is the emerging stage, when the flower begins to grow. The second stage is the blooming stage, when the flower is fully open. The third stage is the declining stage, when the petals start to wilt. The fourth stage is the dead stage, when the flower has died. The fifth stage is the recycling stage, when the leaves fall off and the bulb is ready to be replanted.

How To Care For Amaryllis

Growing amaryllis is a fun and easy activity for all ages, but there are some mistakes that can lead to problems. It’s important to choose the right room temperature when growing amaryllis, as well as understanding how much water it needs and what type of soil. By making sure you’re providing your amaryllis with the best care possible, you’ll see nothing but beautiful blooms at Christmas time!

When to plant amaryllis

You can plant your amaryllis bulbs any time between September and December. The best time to plant them, however, is in the late fall, just before the ground starts to freeze. This gives the bulbs enough time to get established before winter hits. If you live in a warm climate, you can also plant them in the early spring.

Where can you grow amaryllis?

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive is where is the best place to plant amaryllis bulbs. The answer? It depends! There are a few things to consider when planting amaryllis, such as light exposure, water needs and the type of soil. For most people, the best place to plant amaryllis is in a pot on the windowsill. This will give the bulb plenty of light exposure and it can easily be watered. If you have a garden, you can also plant the amaryllis in the ground. Just be sure to choose a spot that receives plenty of sun and has well-drained soil.

Best soil for amaryllis

A lot of thought should go into picking the right soil for your amaryllis. Not all soils are created equal and not all plants will grow in the same type of soil. Amaryllis are particular about the soil they are grown in and you want to make sure you are giving them the best opportunity to thrive. There are a few things to look for when choosing the soil for your amaryllis. The soil should be well-draining, meaning it does not hold water for extended periods of time. Amaryllis do not like wet feet. The soil should also be fertile and have a balanced pH. Finally, the soil should be light and airy so the roots can get the oxygen they need.

Soil to avoid for amaryllis

When it comes to growing amaryllis, careful attention must be paid to the soil. It’s important to use a potting mix that drains well, as amaryllis bulbs will rot if they’re sitting in waterlogged soil. In general, you should avoid using garden soil or soil from outside, as they’re likely to contain pests or diseases that could harm your amaryllis. You also don’t want to use soil that’s too rich in nutrients, as this can lead to leggy plants with lanky stems. The best soil for amaryllis is one that’s light and well-draining, with a pH level of 6.0 to 7.0.

Potting mix for amaryllis

When it comes time to pot up your amaryllis, you’ll want to use a potting mix that’s specifically designed for amaryllis. This mix will help keep the soil moisture levels consistent, which the amaryllis will need to produce healthy blooms. You can find this mix at most garden stores or online. When you’re potting up your amaryllis, be sure to place the bulb in the soil with the neck of the bulb facing up. Fill in around the bulb with the potting mix, making sure to keep the soil moist but not wet.

Ideal Temperature to Grow Amaryllis

Most people know that amaryllis are easy to grow indoors, but what many don’t know is what the ideal temperature range is for these plants. The ideal temperature range for amaryllis is 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. This range is comfortable for the plant, yet still allows it to bloom.

One of the most common mistakes people make when growing amaryllis is not paying attention to the temperature. Amaryllis are tropical plants and need a warm environment to thrive. Keep your amaryllis in a warm place and make sure the temperature does not drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Trying to keep your amaryllis within this temperature range will help ensure that it blooms successfully. If the temperature is too low, they will not bloom. If the temperature is too high, the leaves will start to wilt and the plant will not flower.

Ideal humidity for an amaryllis

The ideal humidity for growing amaryllis is 50-70%. This range will provide the best conditions for the plant to grow and flower. When the humidity is too low, the plant will start to wilt and the leaves will droop. When the humidity is too high, the plant will start to rot. You can measure the humidity level in your home by using a hygrometer. If the level is below 50%, you can increase the humidity by using a humidifier. If the level is above 70%, you can decrease the humidity by using a dehumidifier.

Alternatively, you can achieve the humidity levels in your home between 50-60% for your amaryllis by placing your plant near a humidifier, placing it in the bathroom while you shower, or by misting it with water a few times a day. You can also place your amaryllis in a pot of pebbles and water. The pebbles will help to keep the roots moist and the water will evaporate, keeping the humidity level high.

What is a good fertilizer for amaryllis

When it comes to amaryllis, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of what is the best fertilizer. Depending on what you are hoping to achieve, there are different fertilizers that will work better than others. For example, if you want your amaryllis to bloom again next year, you will need to fertilize it with a slow-release fertilizer this fall. If you are looking for a lush, green plant, you will need to fertilize monthly with a high-nitrogen fertilizer. By understanding the needs of your amaryllis, you can choose the right fertilizer to help it thrive.

How often should you fertilize amaryllis

Amaryllis are very popular holiday plants. They are easy to care for, but in order to get the best blooms, it is important to fertilize them correctly. How often you fertilize your amaryllis will depend on the type of fertilizer you are using. If you are using a water-soluble fertilizer, you will need to fertilize every 2-3 weeks. If you are using a slow-release fertilizer, you will only need to fertilize once a month. Be sure to follow the directions on the label for the best results.

Don’t fertilize your amaryllis until the bulb has begun to grow. And more importantly, avoid using fertilizers that are high in nitrogen. Too much nitrogen can actually impede flowering.

Why should you keep your amaryllis watered?

Your amaryllis is a beautiful addition to your home, and it’s important to remember to water it regularly. Why? Amaryllis need water to produce flowers. If you neglect to water your amaryllis, it will not produce flowers. In fact, you can even damage the bulb if you don’t water it regularly. Amaryllis like to be moist, but not wet. So, how much water should you give your amaryllis? The best way to determine how much water your amaryllis needs is to wait until the top of the soil is dry to the touch before watering it. Then, water it until the soil is moist but not wet.

How to tell when an amaryllis is no longer getting enough water

There are a few telltale signs that your amaryllis isn’t getting enough water. wilting leaves and flowers are the most obvious, but you may also begin to see the bulb shrink in size. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to water your amaryllis again. When you do, be sure to saturate the soil—you may even have to pour water directly into the center of the bulb. After watering, keep an eye on your plant and continue to give it adequate water until the leaves and flowers have returned to their healthy state.

How to Plant and Care for Amaryllis Outside

If you live in a warmer climate and want to try your hand at growing amaryllis outside, here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Choose a spot in your garden that gets plenty of sun and drains well.
  • Dig a hole that is twice the size of the pot your amaryllis is in and add compost or manure to the soil.
  • When planting, make sure the bulb is pointed up and the roots are down.
  • Cover the bulb with soil and tamp it down gently. Give your amaryllis a good watering and keep the soil moist but not wet.
  • Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer once a month.

How to Care for Amaryllis Bulbs in Water

When caring for amaryllis bulbs in water, you will want to make sure the water is always fresh. Change the water every other day, and make sure to use a fresh, clean container. If there is any algae or fungus growing in the water, you will want to change it immediately. You can tell if the water is fresh by checking the temperature. The water should be room temperature or a little warmer. If it’s too cold, the bulb will not be able to absorb the water correctly.

How to Store Amaryllis Bulbs During Winter

If you live in a cold climate, you’ll need to store your amaryllis bulbs during winter. Fortunately, it’s an easy process. First, you’ll need to dig up your bulbs and remove any excess soil. Cut off the stems close to the bulb and allow them to dry for a few days. Then, place the bulbs in a paper bag and store them in a cool, dry place. Make sure to check on them every few weeks and remove any rotting bulbs. In spring, you can replant your amaryllis bulbs in potting soil and watch them grow!

Pests And Diseases Commonly Associated With Amaryllis


What are common pests associated with Amaryllis?

Some pests that can potentially infest Amaryllis plants are aphids, spider mites, thrips, whiteflies and mealybugs. While some of these pests may just cause cosmetic damage, others like spider mites and whiteflies can suck the sap from plants, weaken them and potentially cause death.

The best way to prevent them from taking hold is to keep a close eye on your plant and take action as soon as you see any pests. Inspect the leaves and stems of your plant regularly, and use a horticultural oil or soap to get rid of any pests you find. When buying plants, make sure to buy ones that have been inspected and are free of pests. Finally, always follow the instructions on the pesticide label carefully.


Amaryllis is a susceptible to a range of diseases, including bacterial and fungal wilts, mosaic virus, and powdery mildew. While there is no surefire way to prevent them all, some general tips include watering regularly and deeply, fertilizing in the spring and summer, and keeping the soil moist but not wet. In addition, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of disease and to address them as soon as possible. If you’re not sure what’s wrong, consult a gardening expert for help.


Amaryllis is an easy-to-grow houseplant that not only adds some cheer to your home during the holiday season, but can be kept around even after the winter if you treat it right. For most regions of North America, this plant is considered a short day bulb (one which requires exposure to fewer hours of daylight than usual). Amaryllis bulbs do not require chilling in order to flower, though they do need one cool period at 40ºF/4°C or lower.